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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

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6.       If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.


Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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1618 results found

  1. Crash at the deck selection screen

    I suggest you to work on and resolve the crash that occurs when I want to change my deck in historic random battle.
    I can't change my deck anymore, the game crash at the selection screen.

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  2. Option to disable background animations (optional: enable custom backgrounds)

    For my 2017-macbook air, background animations during a match are too complex. Please add an option to disable them.
    Additionally, custom background uploads, or buyable static backgrounds/"playmats" would be great.

    Otherwise Arena in general and the possibility to play it on a mac turned out to be great!

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  3. Missing Mastery ORB

    I got lvl 58 in the mastery and did not receive the orb in the mastery tree

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  4. daily quest timer reset but no new quest

    1. Third Daily Quests not resetting. Every day i don't get my 3rd daily quest. I'm unsure how i can recreate that.

    2. PC

    3. When the daily quest ticks over i'm only getting the daily win rewards quests as you can see in the below image. (the middle completed one is the weekly)

    4. It should give me a quest.

    5. Attached

    6. no work around found.

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  5. 11 votes

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  6. arcane bombardment OP

    Arcane Bombardment is way too OP. it needs to be a legendary enchantment and needs to cost more. this single card alone can topple any deck
    either ban it or edit it

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  7. iphone 8

    IOS Game crashes, deleted app, reloaded app, logged in, downloaded additional 1016 MB, got in, played a game, closed the app, but app does not open. Using iphone 8Plus, only using 88GB of 256GB avail. The MTG Arena app on laptop working fine, so it's not an issue with my account?

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  8. Planeswalker deck count limits

    The game's meta would be a lot more interesting if decks had a cap or limit on how many planeswalkers could be included. It's boring, time-consuming and just plain not fun to play against the same decks that drown you in planeswalkers. The current meta rewards a brute force mentality that requires very little thinking or talent by the player. Banning cards isn't the only way forward.

    By enforcing a limit on how many planeswalkers can be in a 60 card deck, the decisions to be made would make the game much more fun and interesting. Having play tested this…

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  9. MTG Arena Linux Client


    I wanted to request / show interest in a Linux client for the game.
    The game can run through Wine in Linux though many workarounds, but it would be preferable if the game had an official Linux client (which theoretically shouldn't be too hard, given that it's a Unity game).

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  10. Nerfs need compensation

    Nerfed cards need to be compensated through wildcards, getting your entire deck invalidated by the Davriel nerf without receiving any compensation is absolutely terrible and will only get worse with the incoming monthly balance changes.

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  11. Mac optimization, iPad Pro optimization, and some Mac bugs, and please, please, fix fullscreen on Mac.

    Mac game really needs improvement. (I have a MacBook Pro M1 with MacOS Monterey)

    Recent bugs:
    The text in menu buttons will not show up.
    The app won't launch from the dock shortcut, have to launch from inside epic client.
    Two-finger swiping on the touchpad doesn't work, it pretty much only scrolls in one direction, it just goes wild.
    Sometimes going in and out of the app it will stop playing sound, or some other problem.

    It is just ridiculous that the fullscreen mode clips the sides of the screens. It only recently got full screen. Windowed doesn't seem to…

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  12. Mana ***** / Mana Flood emote

    I guess the shuffler is fine, but I sometimes win due to an opponent flooding or getting mana-screwed. Sometimes I'm the one stuck on no or all lands for 5 turns.

    I wish I could emote this issue and that my opponent could answer "sorry!" as a respone.

    We're not really playing magic when this happens, we're giving away a win due to the fickle whims of the RNG.
    I wish to emote this, to convey my frustration or express my sympathy.

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  13. Matchmaking

    I get that the active matchmaking code is there to make things interesting for players and the deck they're using. You've done this for years with win rates at events, it's fine here. However, PLEASE strip out one element of it: the Archetype matching. Specifically feel free to keep in matchmaking by ranked tier (if playing ranked), win rate in-event (if limited or other events), overall quality or popularity of deck strategy / individual cards in deck / numbers of rares and mythics. All of these serve their purpose well. That said, NO ONE wants to play against matches they…

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  14. Match Against Bot with Invalid Deck (cards not in collection)

    I have a suggestion about match against bot.
    In physical game, I can get a card from my friend or in a shop to test a deck before buy the cards.
    In MTG Arena, I can build a deck with cards not in my collection.
    But a deck with cards not in my collection, I can't play matches against bot to test this deck.
    Is it possible to allow a match against bot using a deck with cards not in my collection to test?

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  15. Do Not Add Rebalanced Standard Cards to Historic

    Like the title says. I had my worries about Alchemy but I was looking forward to trying it out. That is no longer the case. There is no reason for modified standard cards to replace their paper counterparts in Historic. I am okay with the digital only cards and while I'm not crazy about it, I can live with rebalancing those digital only cards. But Historic was also meant to be a place where we can play our rotated cards and needs to have access to all of the paper cards released on Arena. Once you "rebalance" those cards, it's…

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  16. Ban Ugin

    If Ugin hits the board the game is over. Literally impossible to play around for most decks.

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  17. Don't ruin historic with alchemy

    I've upvoted several of the posts echoing this thought, but I'm adding mine to the mix. I've been spending about $200/mo on Arena since it came out for Mac. That ends December 9 when Alchemy comes out and ruins historic. It begins again when a real eternal format is reintroduced to MTGA.

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  18. Make a seperate „Paper“-Historic Option

    With the recent changes to Historic it just does not any longer serve its purpose as a way to use old Standard cards in another format.
    There is just no longer a incentive to build a Historic collection or Historic decks, when cards can be changed sort of randomly.
    I think that long term this will also affect Standard popularity and the overall player base.

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  19. Make Bot Match All Access

    Players should be allowed to use any deck in bot match, even if they do not own all the cards in the deck. This would allow players (especially new players) to experiment with new decks without having to first expend their already very limited wildcards, and since bot match is inherently solo-only, this change would not interfere with other players' experience. Thank you very much.

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  20. Support M1 (apple silicon) on macOS

    Please release a fat binary of MTGA for macOS that also supports the M1 arm chip. The CPU and power requirements are needlessly increased by running the game through the intel emulation layer.

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