MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
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1588 results found
alchemy is NOT magic
i play arena because its EXACTLY paper magic in digital format. all these "perpetual" and "seek" cards and everything were bad enough that i refused to spend wildcards on them. Now that they added Alchemy, arena will lose 100% of my time. It is no longer the same as paper. i refuse to use cards in the digital format that are not printed on paper and legal on paper formats.
12 votes -
These formats ....... suck. This economy sucks. You have ruined this game. Good job.
These formats ....... suck. This economy sucks. You have ruined this game. Good job.
10 votes -
Alchemy - Give Your Players the Choice between Digital Only Cards In or Out
Dear MTG Arena team,
most recently Alchemy has been added as a new format to Magic Arena. By rebalancing already existing cards and adding new digital-only cards exclusive to the format to Arena, the intention here is to keep Standard a fresh and ever-evolving format for players to enjoy. While I do welcome the idea of keeping Standard fresh, introducing digital-only cards to the format is the biggest mistake for card design and hurts Magic as a franchise and game experience.
I have tried a variety of card games before, most notably the popular Hearthstone by Blizzard. I specificially changed…
12 votes -
Please ban stalling and allow players to report stalling in-app
Please ban stalling, and create a system to allow players to flagg a stalling opponent.
This is a common feature in other strategy games wherein people try to drag out as much time as possible to encourage their opponents to forfeit because of how not fun the game becomes. The mobile version of Risk has a system for this if you need a reference.
Please do something about this.
12 votes -
Error updating data
I was playing a Standard 2022 ranked match and lost. I've closed the APP on iOS and now I'm having the issue in attachment.I've already re-installed the app, tried to login on my laptop and the error remains...
24 votes -
Concerned about the future of Paper MTG Balance
I'm concerned about the future of paper MTG balance after the announcement of Alchemy.
Since this format will likely be the new defacto digital format thanks to the swift rebalancing that will occur to overly powerful cards, I feel like there will be a greater chance that cards will be pushed to an even higher power level in general. This wouldn't be an issue for Alchemy, as that format can be balanced on the fly, but it could potentially damage the integrity of any other eternal paper formats. This is especially a concern when looking at the latest straight to…
12 votes -
Coven bugged / not working on Arena?
Coven seems to be bugged. I've had it activate once so far with a field of seven creatures, but second game didn't seem to activate at all with a field of 3-4 creatures, all with ability text boxes. What are the parameters for Coven?
12 votes -
Stop the clock while stack resolves
While the stack is resolving, STOP THE CLOCK! So tired of losing matches because a large stack takes time to resolve, and triggers pop off and add to the stack. Clock is ticking down and I have no control over anything! Don't run the timer while then stack is resolving.
28 votes -
Rank bug
no rank gaining
16 votes -
Remove furigana from Japanese text
In Japanese writing, there is something called furigana. These are auxiliary characters used to explain difficult kanji readings. The Japanese version of MTG Arena also has this furigana attached to card names. However, when card names appear in plain text, these furigana make the text very difficult to read. For example, even for words consisting of multiple Kanji characters, furigana are added immediately after each Kanji character, which is a hindrance to understanding.
Ideal: 裕福(ゆうふく)な亭主(ていしゅ)
Actual: 裕(ゆう)福(ふく)な亭(てい)主(しゅ)
It is as if it were written "under[ʌndɚ]stand[st'ænd]."
Also, furigana are attached to simple kanji, which is also very disturbing.
Most Japanese are…5 votes -
Direct Challenge (7/31/2021)
Can send challenge, and accept. Typically one user is getting stuck at deck selection and the other bounces to the vs screen before getting kicked back out. After that opponent is greyed out for direct challenge. Have to close and reopen arena to reissue. Then sometimes said must finish current match while sitting on the home screen. Tried doing other non-direct challenge match and went fine. Did not resolve issue when returning.
27 votes -
win/lose stats
Would you be willing to add a feature that shows us our statistics: how many games we’ve played and our wins and losses? It seems like it would only require a small patch and it would be quite informative. It could also include what colors we tend to play in our decks, what our win rate is when playing each color, what colors we tend to lose to. Those would help us develop as players.
Thanks for your time and attention. I hope you are able to add this feature. I pass my turn.
6 votes -
Tutorial won’t allow blockin
On iPad. Won’t let me blockin tutorial after opponent attacks.
27 votes -
Update game / enter game issue
I play from Mac Os
Error Updating Data
Hello MTGA Staff,
I havnt been able to enter in mtga for two days When I try to enter, i'm kicked out of the game with an alert saying "Error Updating data : Check your connection and Try again". Ive Tried completely wiping the game off my computer and redownloading the game to no avail.
How can i solve this?7 votes -
If Alchemy goes live as planned on December 9th, expect a chargeback for every cent I've ever spent on your game. My bank just told me I could do this. It has to do with the advertised product not being delivered.
Historic is not HEARTHSTONE.
Keep your ill-advised rebalancing out of MTGA's only eternal format.
And unambiguously, D U C K Y O U for your repeated and cynical cash grabs.
Maybe I'll quit D&D too since WotC doesn't care about its customers. I'll make a book burning video!
You better put a cork in this plan before you get…
10 votes -
If Alchemy goes live as planned on December 9th, expect a chargeback for every cent I've ever spent on your game. My bank just told me I could do this. It has to do with the advertised product not being delivered.
Historic is not HEARTHSTONE.
Keep your ill-advised rebalancing out of MTGA's only eternal format.
And unambiguously, D U C K Y O U for your repeated and cynical cash grabs.
Maybe I'll quit D&D too since WotC doesn't care about its customers. I'll make a book burning video!
You better put a cork in this plan before you get…
10 votes -
You guys need to penalize rope burners. At least in anything outside of standard play.
Once, fine after that, you've given an exploit that is used to an obnoxious advantage.
"give people a means to exploit a situation and they will". At least in person there are penalties for these behaviors.
9 votes -
Mark/Remember Players
I know how easy it would be to abuse a block/report feature in game, but if we could have a way to mark players-- change name colours or outline of portrait or little icons-- it would go a long way to improving the play experience. Even just two options-- one for players that we don't want to play again, and one for players who we enjoyed playing-- that would mean a lot.
I'd like the option not to waste more time on players I come across who intentionally stall, crash the client, or spam emotes until I have to mute…
10 votes -
Split Standard, Alchemy, and Historic - the community didn't ask for Alch
There are numerous threads already posted, let me add my voice to the call - REMOVE OR LIMIT ALCHEMY! It has ruined Historic play, just as allowing Standard cards in Historic has.
Separate the 3 styles, if you feel you must have them; but they should be three SEPARATE formats. Historic should be all non-Standard or Alchemy cards, Alchemy can be its own little world, and Standard can be current Standard format WITHOUT ALCHEMY.
Alchemy has introduced many NPEs to the Historic (and Standard) venue, read through the comments posted about "Alchemy," here in your threads or on Discords, Twitter,…
7 votes -
Please add game replays
Please add a game replays function to MTG Arena, so that I can rewatch games I played. Being able to share replays would be good too. And the ability to invite friends into the session to watch with you.
26 votes
- Don't see your idea?