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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

1.       Give us the steps to reproduce the bug

2.       Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)

3.       Enter the actual results you’re experiencing

4.       Enter the expected results of the feature

5.       Add any relevant screenshots/videos

6.       If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.


Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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1621 results found

  1. Incorrect rules interactions

    I attached Mystic Subdual to an Ashaya but creatures entering the battlefield were still lands causing landfall to happen, the Ashaya had +1/+1 counters on it so it did not die from the Mystic Subdual. rare but it happened

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  2. Ability to downgrade wildcards

    Thinking it would be very useful to have the ability to downgrade or exchange certain wildcards for more common wildcards. For instance, a Mythic or Rare wildcard could be exchanged for 2 uncommon wildcards, or 4 common wildcards, or an uncommon could be exchanged for 2 common wildcards.

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  3. MTG Arena

    Since about 11th of March 2021 (noticed a client update), MTG Arena is temporarily corrupting my install drive on Windows 10 (Insider Preview Build 21332, used to work just fine until the last maintenance/update). I start the game client, try to access the store or start a new game, i get the spinner which freezes (the game freezes) showing as Not Responding in task manager. At that point, my install drive start reporting incorrect folder sizes, some folders cannot be accessed..etc. The Data folder in MTG Arena ,for example, is empty. If Windows is restarted, everything reverts back to normal…

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  4. mouse highlight

    Opponent mouse highlighting too frantic
    Right now, I'm finding that opponents are using mouse highlighting to tilt their opponents. They're whipping their mouse around to make highlighting on my screen distracting. I don't know if there's much you can do about it, but it's really distracting from my enjoyment of the game!

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  5. Can no longer drag cards to the table. (Mac)

    On my mac in Arena after the most recent update when I pull cards from my hand and drag them to the table to play them they turn orange but don't go down they go back to my hand. The only way to play cards is to double click them from my hand now. Was this by design, counterintuitive to what I'm used to in this game.

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  6. Jank Queue

    Can we get some form of jank queue? I would like to enjoy playing jank decks without constantly matching the top 5 meta decks while in unranked.

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  7. Bug report

    I played an Akroan war and I wasn't allowed to take control of my oponents creature. There was no reason why I shouldn't have been allowed to target it.

    I lost the match because of this.

    Sure would be nice if the money I spent on this game would go towards making it actually playable. There's an idea!

    And now I cant even post this bug report on your website. What are you guys spending all this money on if your sites aren't even usable?

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  8. make the programmers PLAY MTGO and learn from it , PUT IN AUTOYIELDING for any card! right click to select yielding!

    another idea that should have been implemented since the BETA.. just like MTGO, you need to be able to right click ANY card and have a way to select "ALWAYS AUTO YIELD TO THIS CARDS EFFECTS"! its so obvious! i dont need to click resolve or resolve all a zillion times. i dont need to click autopass and lose because of autopassing something important.. it needs to be on a card by card basis.. for instance a lame harmless card like midnight clock and all its counters.. i cant do a darn thing about the counters and especially if there…

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  9. desactivating animations

    I am writing because I am really upset after all the money I spent in the game I still loose too much just because my computer is too slow or because of disconnect problems. WHY THE **** don't you make it possible to desactivate much more 3D animations that are completly unusefull and often bad for concentration ???? I already did all I can to boost my computer it's at max and don't have the money to change for sure. So please do somethin because I am loosing all the pleasure I should be havin in the game !!…

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  10. Offer Arena Gift Cards

    Similar to Xbox, World of Warcraft, and others, having the ability to purchase in game credit at stores/online makes for an easy gift and more profit for Wizards.

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  11. performance issues making game entirely unplayable on mid-range rig.

    the entirety of the game is in dire need of major fixes. With a radeon 5700 XT and 2600X ryzen processor this game is currently unplayable due to stacked shufflers throwing match after match into an artificial losers queue with probabilities now in the 1 in 1.3*10^4 for just one of the four in a row, then promptly throwing into black screen matches that end in a draw. I'm not even able to complete quests giving me absolutely zero reason to come back and play the game since the actual gameplay is buggy, laggy, and stacked

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  12. Low graphical performance play mode

    Hi there,

    it would be amazing if there was an "low graphical performance" play mode, were the graphics would go e.g. 2D. This might safe battery on a notebook and the game might run smoother in some battle which went "wilder".

    its just anying to loose because your opponent created a several hundreds of token at once and your computre couldn t handle it. and then you lose because of timeout...


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  13. Omniscience Draft, Never again

    This should not be a paid event ever. This is a pure game of luck of who got the card draw / who got to go first.

    I'm actually quite mad I paid 5000 gold to play in this event.

    It was not fun at all, and it feels like you flip a coin and the winner of the flip wins the game. Except flipping a coin is more fun that watching your opponent draw into double mind rot on turn 1.

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  14. This Whole Game is a bug

    This game is trash you people should be ashamed of yourselves there is no reason for this pathetic excuse of a game to be rigged yet it is. Until you change it I'm uninstalling because as of now it's a complete waste of my time.

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  15. resize window

    I'd like to be able to freely resize game window.
    Current choice of resolutions makes the window either too small or hides parts of interface behind Windows' taskbar.

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  16. Orah, Skyclave Hierophant DID NOT ACTIVATE WHEN KILLED

    I played Orah on my next turn after my opponent wiped my field with Ugin the Spirit Dragon (so my graveyard was full of creatures with cmc 3 or less). My opponent then dealt 3 damage to my Orah, but when Orah died, Nothing Happened. Seems like Ugin The Spirit Dragon has been causing tons of issues lately

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  17. Creatures changing places

    My opponent had two 2 toughness creatures in play, one tapped and one untapped. I attacked with my 1/1 Dreadhorde Butcher. My opponent blocked with their untapped creature. As my Butcher died, I was hovering my mouse over the creature with one damage on it, ready to click it as the target for my trigger. As soon as the trigger resolved, the creatures switched places, and I clicked on the undamaged creature. My suggestion is not to have creatures switch places for absolutely no reason.

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  18. Broken Cards, Balance and Standard

    Did a bunch of people who played MTG 2 times, and lose both games get hired to be the balance or design team for these cards the past few years? Because the common theme is cast one card and win the game. What has happened to this game? This game used to be fun. It used to be interactive. You used to be able to play your deck and not have to worry about your opponent casting one card and the game just ends. Why has this become a theme? You can call them what you want, a "build around"…

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  19. Arena Battleground Selection

    Please consider adding a feature where the player can select what battleground they would like to play on before the match begins.

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  20. carte mtg

    aggiungete altre immagini delle carte che possiamo riscattare nel gioco ( tipo angelo di serra con le immagini della quarta edizione...tutore demoniaco con altre foto da poter inserire e scegliere per i mazzi....finalmente con la nuova espansione duskmourn inserirete come suggerito mesi fa da me la carta DANNAZIONE...finalmenteeeee...quindi vi sto consigliando ancora aggiungete altri "stili/immagine delle carte già presenti nel gioco così da poter usare le risorse che uno accumula e per rendere il gioco ancora più bello e attraente grazie!!!!

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