Every single game crashes sort out before release ffs
Every single game crashes sort out before release ffs, this is utterly ridiculous every single game crashes and has an error, take the game down fix it then release not release a game that literally 1/10 games work that's dreadful, the game play is 10/10 as magic always is but your reviews on play store ect are going to affect your overall players as this game DOES NOT WORK you need to address the game stability, errors and crashing. I'm fed up of getting into a battle setting up my opposition to turn the battle and then bam stops working so I have to close and reopen and then I have missed 1 to 2 turns and no way back from there its something you should have addressed a long time before release not after release.
It sounds like you may need some more troubleshooting advice, please submit at: https://magicspellslingers-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and select 'Technical Troubleshooting'.