Companion Feedback
Welcome to the Magic: The Gathering Companion Feedback Page
To Report a Bug or Provide Feedback
Before reporting a bug, check to see if it has already been reported. In the Issue Title below search for specific key terms from your issue.
Example: Shivan Dragon (Note: Partial words won’t show up, so use “Shivan” instead of “Shiv.”)
If your issue has been reported already, simply click the vote button to show us you’ve experienced that issue as well. If you feel you have additional information that could be helpful to us in tracking down the issue please feel free to add it.
If your bug has not been reported, please do so now! Update the Issue Title to reflect the problem you’ve encountered.
Example: Shivan Dragon doesn’t work
Choose the Category that describes your problem.
Describing the problem in the following fashion helps make clear what happened and allows us to investigate the issue faster.
- Summarize the problem
- List the steps you took that led to the problem
- What was the result that happened when you followed those steps
- What was the result you expected to happen when you followed those steps
Example: The life tracker didn’t track my life.
- Open the life tracker and start a game
- Try to remove or add life to my life total
- Actual: my life total didn’t change
- Expected: my life total goes up or down
You can provide additional information that can also help us conclude an investigation quickly. Great information to include:
517 results found
'Round is Paused' Error
The companion app on iOS tells me the event is paused when I’m not in any event just trying to use the tracker for life score.
1 vote -
Card search treats "10+" as "11"
Searching for mana value, power, or toughness using the sliders on an android phone, choose "10+" as the upper bound, and 10 as the lower bound. Expected result: cards with the mana value, power, or toughness of 10 or greater are returned, respectively. Actual result: only cards matching with those values as 10 or 11 are returned.
1 vote -
Dear Wizards, I really would like to have a register of my games and Encounters in Companion. Also that could be helpful to track my own stadistics in the game. I usually play a standar event in my local store and we all think that we like to have a historic archive of our games.
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いつ、大会履歴や結果のエラーが修正されますか?「『Magic: The Gathering Companion』正式ローンチのお知らせ」 #mtgjp
1 vote -
Make companions watermark search list-based
Not a bug or anything, but I think the function of searching by mark could really use some improvement. With the new set being out I wanted to search for cards with the Brokers’ watermark, but none showed up. I had no idea why, since you search by writing the name rather than picking from a list. I still don’t know whether that mark isn’t put in yet or if it has a different name. I tried a few others, and only about half worked. This issue could probably be fixed by just making it a list like with the…
1 vote -
Allow team name for team events
Allow team name for team events.
For team events such as two headed giant and team trios, allow players to be able to submit a team name for their team. ♡
1 vote -
Ability to add deck name when joining event
Compounding with the already popular idea to have tournament information, the ability to show your deck/players decks for data reasons would be nice
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Vanilla Creatures Get Ability Description From First Card Redurned in Search
Creatures with no rules text display as having the rules text of the first card returned in search if they are not the first card returned in search. For example, search “Konda”. If you sort by name alphabetically ascending, “Isamaru, Hound of Konda” will be first in search results and will correctly show no rules text. If you change the sorting to alphabetical descending, “The Fall of Lord Konda” will be first and Isamaru (now last) will show rules text from The Fall of Lord Konda (see screenshot).
Another example is searching for “memn”. “Memnite” shows the rules text of…
1 vote -
disappeared table no.s
this weekend, players who use ver.1.3.13 can't find table numbers on companion.
each round, judges had to find their table on WEL.1 vote -
Unable to Begin a Game
Instead of Start Game, I can see only a Please Wait button
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Updating Gatherer Mana Search
So something for the Companion app (and Gatherer in general) that I feel could be quite useful is refined mana value searches. In particular the ability to filter by even Converted Mana Costs, odd CMC, and or provide the optional IS/OR options to them.
As an example: This will help search for all cards legal that a Companion Obosh could play in its deck when considering the search even and odd CMC options. While the IS/OR option (obviously allowing us to select two+ options in the case of OR) would allow us to narrow the search further, like one CMC…
1 vote -
Power and toughness search doesn’t work properly
Power/Toughness slider doesn’t work properly.
I tried looking up creatures with a power toughness =13
I dragged both sliders all the way to the right
It displayed only creatures with power toughness = 11/11
1 vote -
Visual Bug: Card Scroll View Keeps Scroll Offset
How to reproduce:
1. Open Companion App
2. Click “Cards”
3. Search for any card. In my case, I searched for “blood”.
3. Click on any card.
4. Scroll down so that there is some scroll offset.
5. Swipe left to the next card, no offset.
6. Swipe left again to the next card, offset.Possible solution:
When loading the detail view for the card, scroll to the top of the scroll view programmatically each time.1 vote -
Unable to add players to event
The event will only populate one name into the lobby.
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Apartado de historial de eventos en companion
Hola, sería una buena opción que companion tuviese historial de eventos, como ya sucedía con la web del DCI.
Un saludo
1 vote -
Application Splash Slow to Start
You're just trying to show me text pairings. Why does this thing need to take 30 seconds to launch when I click a round notification? It's more efficient to just pester the TO for a pairing sheet.
1 voteHi, sorry you experienced that issue! To help us track down what might be causing that, can you provide some additional details:
-What operating system is your device? (Android/iOS)
-What type of device are you using? make/model
-What version of the Companion app are you using? -
Change app name to make it searchable with Magic terms
On Android, when searching the app drawer, this companion app is only named "Companion" so does not pull up when using search terms like "Magic" or "MTG"
1 vote -
Error tournament
Not saw the players points above10 points. Not see the first number
1 voteCan you clarify some details? What OS are you on? (iOS or Android). What type of device are you using? And what is the version of the Magic Companion app you’re using?
The life tracker needs to say LIFE, not HEALTH
Health doesn't mean anything in magic1 voteGreat catch! We’ll add this to get fixed.
Bring back DCI
I’m currently in a large event that is trying to use the companion app. This is vastly worse set up and organized that any event I have ever seen using the dci system. The games don’t get organized or assigned correctly, and the judging staff is basically having to say “ignore the app” multiple times per minute. In addition, forcing events to use the app requires all participants to have a smart phone, with signal, and batteries, which is not universal. It also forces all participants to have a magic arena login. This app is very gatekeep-y and really not…
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?