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Dark Alliance Bugs & Suggestions/Feedback

1. I encountered this issue on [INSERT PLATFORM HERE]
2. I was playing [WITH FRIENDS/ALONE]
3. I was playing as [INSERT HERO NAME HERE]

Describe what you were doing before the issue happened.

Describe the problem you encountered.

Expected Result:
What you expected would happen instead.

501 results found

  1. Mob aggro drop, and insane attack range.

    So as I'm sure you know you can literally just kill every mob in the game from ranged without them ever walking towards you. However if you decide to get close. You either get 1 shot or do no damage at all depending on your class. Dodging most enemy attacks are impossible due to the online lag, and the attacks that you do visually dodge still hit you because there is not ground indication on the radius. IE neverwinters ground attack system. The input lagged on commands its also insanely bad. I have to try 6-7 time to get dwarfie…

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  2. bonus items missing


    I pre-purchased the DELUXE version of the game on 3/22/2021 however as of today I haven't gotten the skins that were part of the package. I have checked my inventory, gone to the merchant and nothing. I've played up to level 10 on Drizzt so I should be able to see these items however I do not and your help / guide on how to redeem this isn't giving me anything new to try.

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  3. Lock-on sticks

    1. I encountered this issue on [XBOX SERIES X]
    2. I was playing [WITH FRIENDS/ALONE]
    3. I was playing as [DRIZZT]

    If you lock onto an enemy to attack them, after they are killed the lock-on camera stays locked-on to the empty space where the enemy was. You have to undo the lock-on to be able to move the camera away from said position.

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  4. lost all me level

    i was playing online and doing dungunsi was level 6 and after i complet one i was down to 1 and gaing exp as if am level 1 and after every dungun i am still gaining exp as if am level 1 i cant buy moves am just stuck am playing on pc from xbox pass

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    1. I encountered this issue on [PC]
    2. I was playing [WITH FRIENDS]
    3. I was playing as [Drizzt]
    4. Did not receive any xp after finishing a mission with 3 other friends. 1 other friend at the time did not get any xp either. We were lvls 8 and 1, they were 20, we should have recieved 2k xp but did not get any. We all were able to receive our loot, but no xp rewards or attribute or feats.
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  6. Jadar command debug

    I notice jadar ability suppose end step of turn then summon decay zombie token but never I said wtf??

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  7. Bug spam until i lost 🤔

    It seem not correct that with ability n spell keep spam until my library gone n I don't get my turn 🙃 kind of op but not correct I think u need banned that card or could it debug??

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  8. Loot drops

    Epic and Legendary loot drops should be increased on higher difficulty missions. My buds and I are constantly getting common, uncommon & rare gear when doing the harder missions. Legendary drop rates seem bugged for sure. Another issue I'm seeing now is you can't unequip potions anymore. An idea to fix the drop rate for potions would be nice too. Have the game drop the potions you need/missing stock of instead of just a random one from chests.

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  9. Rejoin as a level 1 character after multiplayer game

    1. I encountered this issue on Xbox Series X
    2. I was playing WITH FRIENDS
    3. I was playing as Catti Brie
    4. Quit back to character selection and select the appropropriate Catti Brie instance. 2 instances were now displayed, Level 10 created by me, Level 1 created by the bug. The Level 10 character had all progress, gold and items associated with the mission completed immediately prior. After switching characters and rejoining the host, the issue was resolved.

    Completed a multiplayer mission. Returned to town.

    On loading into town, I was a default level 1 Catti…

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  10. Character wipe Game Pass PC

    1. I encountered this issue on Game Pass PC
    2. I was playing WITH FRIENDS
    3. I was playing as Wulgar
    4. My friend was ok, Lvling up normally, I decreased to Lvl 1 after lvl 6
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  11. Beat he Boss - stuck in room

    In 'Defeat Kronus Seven Scars' we were a 2 man co-op team Cattie-Brie & Wulfgar level 3 difficulty

    we were playing online on pc (STEAM friends)

    we beat Kronus Seven Scars boss but nothing happened

    we were stuck in boss level unable to leave do anything.

    we returned to camp with no achievements cash or rewards

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  12. 4 votes

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  13. Bug

    1. I encountered this issue on [PC]
    2. I was playing [WITH FRIENDS]
    3. I was playing as [Cattie-Brie]

    Below is an attached video of cattie-brie one-shotting a boss on the second level with low gear score.

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  14. Loot item fell through ground

    Playing on PS5 as the drizzt solo.. on act 1 of the ice dragon quest I opened up a loot chest at the first door area to enter the dungeon and the item dropped into the ground and cannot grab the item.

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  15. Unable to pick up loot, Act 3, stage 2

    Act 3, stage 2.

    There are two chests that drop loot, but unable to pick up. This happens consistently each play through on Xbox.

    One chest is the one near the frozen section, with 2 levers needing to be pulled to access it.

    The other is up on a raised section needing to cross a skinny bridge/walkway near the center of the map (close to a sewer drain pipe).

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  16. Loot drops after V 1.19.531 patch

    1. I encountered this issue on Playstation 5
    2. I was playing [WITH FRIENDS]
    3. I was playing as [Bruenor]
    4. [See below for more details.]

    Steps: After this most recent patch, me(PS5) and my co-op partner(PS4) are frequently unable to pick up loot dropped from large chests. The items are clearly seen in front of the chest, but no prompt to pickup the item. Before this patch, the loot would just fall through the level and would go unseen.

    Result: I've missed out on multiple legendaries and epic drops due to this.

    Expected Result: If we can open…

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  17. Now it makes sense bug

    1. I encountered this issue on PS5
    2. I was playing Both coop and solo
    3. I was playing as Drizzt
    4. I have collected, as far as I know, all the lore items and I still have not been able to trigger the trophy. I tried the work around of viewing trophies at Kelvin's Cairn but it's not

    I am on the newest patch from November

    My journal still displays a (!) Even though none of the items appear as unread

    I have the full amounts of lore (as far as I know)

    Bios: 18
    Painting: 10…

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  18. Character deleted after PC shut down in loading screen

    I was on the way back to the main base from a dungeon run when my PC shut down during the loading screen.

    Now I cannot load my savegame/character anymore, the only option I got is to create a new character.

    Reinstalling the game didn't work. I downloaded my savegame from the steam cloud and inserted it in the savegame folder of the game, but that did not work either.

    19 hours of gameplay lost, nice.

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  19. Controller imput lag

    There is input lag with the controller. Hitting A+X sometimes just doesn't work at all and you just jump all over the place. Maybe move it to the bumpers? Or improve the input speed from controller to game.


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  20. Veerberg Act I

    The fight prior to the boss fight - barrel was not collectable. Nothing we did (party wipe, host running away, party running away, host DCing) would allow the barrel to be collected, meaning everybody lost their loot (in this case, including 3 legendaries), as you cannot progress the game without that barrel being collected. Suggest auto-looting instead, as it was really disheartening to encounter. Happened on Legendary (6). Xbox Current Gen.

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