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Dark Alliance Bugs & Suggestions/Feedback

1. I encountered this issue on [INSERT PLATFORM HERE]
2. I was playing [WITH FRIENDS/ALONE]
3. I was playing as [INSERT HERO NAME HERE]

Describe what you were doing before the issue happened.

Describe the problem you encountered.

Expected Result:
What you expected would happen instead.

501 results found

  1. Damage Hitbox Issues

    Two of us have been playing Dark Alliance for several days now and are noticing the same problem that is happing FAR too often and is really starting to impact the ability to have fun with the game.

    Mystery Damage and Bad Hit Box Detection

    1 - Trap Hitboxes - The game shows an aura where trap damage will happen, however we are getting out of the area shown before trap detonates and STILL take the damage. Even with good ping rates it is like the server and client side do not communicate properly.

    2 - Enemies hitting from 30…

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  2. xbox charachter wipe bug

    when you die at tally/ reward screen your character resets to lv1. full wipe of gear everything gone . all feats all combos all potion upgrades all atributes points reset and gone. HOW DO I GET MYSTUFF BACK? HOW DO I GET MY TIME BACK?

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  3. Lost a level

    My son and I were playing earlier, I was level 8.5 and he was level nine, we completed a dungeon run and he leveled up to 10 and I was right before 10. But when he returned back to Kelvin's Cairn It reset his level to what it was at the beginning of the dungeon and he was level nine and I was now higher than him, we thought it might have been a visual bug, but when we ran the next dungeon he got experience as if he was level nine.

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  4. Disconnecting in the middle of mission with online party

    1. I encountered this issue on PC via Steam
    2. I was playing an act online with a party (once on act 1 part 1, another on act 1 part 2)
    3. I was playing as Wulfgar
    4. On both occasions, I got disconnected from the game halfway, causing me to lose the loot gained, and probably XP also. This is making multiplayer unplayable. I am on fiber broadband, and do not believe internet connectivity is an issue at my end.
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  5. Help!

    Please Help!. I purchased the deluxe edition and my Playstation says Echoes was purchased and is downloaded but the game will not let me access the new content. ? What do I do?

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  6. I just paid for Expansion Set Echoes of Blood War, and it's not showing up in the game. Definitely paid for it. HELP!!!

    I have regular version of game. I went to map, selected to activate, and paid using paypal $21 or so, for the expansion set. Relaunched game, and still no access to the new maps. HELP!!!

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  7. Disonnections = No Rewards???

    Why oh Why is it, after you complete a level & boss, have the best drop rate ONCE in your life, complete the level, watch the rewards/total stuff @ the end and the game takes you back to main hub, the game crashes you to start screen, once you load back in, you recieve NO EXP & all of your ITEMS are GONE!!!????

    Sucks, I lost over 2 dozen items and a level of exp today, another words, my 2 hours of play time ended netting me JACK _____

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  8. Now it Makes Sense Trophy not unlocking

    Now it Makes Sense Trophy not unlocking on PS5!!!

    Just finished all 6 Paintings, 8 Reliefs, 70 Tablets, 38 Tomes and it still didn't unlock! There is also an exclamation point in my "Journal" section and I already read each one but the (!) icon's still there even though there is nothing new/unread.

    I deleted the game and re-installed with the updated version on PS5 - nothing.

    I followed the instructions based on "Release Notes – Dark Alliance V 1.18" and created a brand new character and picked up a collectible at the base camp - nothing.

    I deleted all…

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  9. Lost my levels?

    I was playing Cattie-Brie with a party of 4, all level 20. We successfully completed a boss level, but during the loot/item screen, I somehow dropped to Level 1 and immediately leveled up to Level 6.

    I did not lose any of my loot, items, feats, moves, attributes or other inventory. My character still plays as if she's Level 20, but has the XP and title of Level 6 (I played at least one more game and leveled up more, but did not return to Level 20).

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  10. Invisibility bug and etc.

    I encountered an issue on PS4.
    I was playing alone.
    I was playing as Wulfgar.

    1. I noticed the spawn timer goes back to 10 after it hits zero. Which while it isnt game breaking like the next one, it looks sloppy.

    2. When I respawn each time more assets dont appear. The first time it was Wulfgar's head. Which was funny... until I died a few more times then I could only tell where the enemies were by looking at their shadows. Even bosses... It made it really hard to respond not knowing whats coming. I also didnt get to enjoy…

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  11. 13/14 working bonus attribute points

    13/14 working attribute points (bonus)
    Chapter 4 act 2 (the order of the one light) attribute point is unattainable. It’s found shortly after the optional quest mini boss, upon interacting with the stone (THIS IS FIRST TIME ON THIS STONE), no attribute point is given. I received all 13 other points with out issues. Just not this one, which is frustrating as my bruenor could have 3 stats at 20 base (con strength and wisdom) if the point gets fixed. (20/20/19). I’ve seen others post about this as well but nothing done about it since release of the game.

    Notes: …

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  12. Getting hit by nothing

    Any character

    This happens with every enemy but the worst I experienced was with the beholder. I jumped on the platform and he was chomping another player I was co-opping with. The beholder was so far away from me that I was clearly in. O danger. I died as he chomped the other player. Just fell dead and no enemy anywhere close. I could understand if it were adjacent to me, but I was on the opposite side of the platform and it was facing away from me.

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  13. Dashing doesn’t evade damage

    I encountered this issue on ps4.
    I was playing in coop
    I was playing as every character

    While fighting I have noticed that dashing no longer avoids danger. All of my characters get hit with every attack from elites. No matter if I dodge or not. If I am targeted I get hit 100% of the time and am usually one shorted.

    I expect that a properly timed evade should actually…I don’t know…evade.

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  14. No update on Xbox Gamepass PC

    1. Issue is on gampass for windows 10 PC
    2. Played yesterday online with friends and during the session I was no longer able to connect to an online session. Now when trying to join online, either quick play or custom session it just spins trying to connect. Looking at gamepass, my current version is - installed 7/13/2021 so I'm assuming that I can't get online because the version I have is not the most current version.
    3. all characters
    4. I have not found a workaround. Checked both gamepass app and windows store to see if I could download an update and…
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  15. Battle Trance not increasing damage.

    Notes: Was testing on dummies to see if Battle Trance increases damage because it applies Frenzy. It does not.

    1. I encountered this issue on Gamepass/pc.
    2. I was playing alone.
    3. I was playing as Drizzt Do'Urden.

    Steps: Compare numbers with and without Battle Trance.

    Result: Battle Trance doesn't change damage.

    Expected Result: A damage increase.

    Without Battle Trance:
    With Battle Trance:

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  16. Disconnecting in multiplayer

    1. I play on PC via steam
    2. I tried to open a session with a friend but 2-5 minutes into it, it says you have been disconnected.
    3. I have played as Wolfgar, drizzt, and the female archer (terrible with names)
    4. No known work around, a bug i have been seeing since day one but hearing people with gamepass able to play with friends.

    Opening a game to friends only, then disconnected a few minutes later


    Expected result:
    Play with friends?...

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  17. 3 votes

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  18. Difficulty reset

    I setup a act above difficulty 4 and it lower to a 2 or below when I’m in the mission

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  19. Aim in

    The aim doesn't seem to work 100% on Cattie-Brie. Half the time I click the left trigger to aim in it doesn't work.

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