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Dark Alliance Bugs & Suggestions/Feedback

1. I encountered this issue on [INSERT PLATFORM HERE]
2. I was playing [WITH FRIENDS/ALONE]
3. I was playing as [INSERT HERO NAME HERE]

Describe what you were doing before the issue happened.

Describe the problem you encountered.

Expected Result:
What you expected would happen instead.

501 results found

  1. No Loot or Level up

    1. Playing on PC Steam
    2. I am playing with friends, group of 3 total
    3. I was playing Drizzt
    4. We did a mission, the first act actually and we finished it. We waited to get brought back to camp and it showed all our loot and level ups. But we returned to camp and it was as if I didn't play the Act. I haven't received any of my loot or level ups when with friends. I tried by myself and I got loot and level ups. It has happened every time I've played with the group. One other member is encountering…
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  2. can't climb ladder

    1. I encountered this issue on PC - XBOX Game Pass
    2. I was playing ALONG
    4. I am not getting a climb prompt to climb a ladder to complete the last act in the goblin tower level. i have tried hitting the interact button etc. I have tried both sides with no luck. I am forced to quit the level and probably the game...too many bugs!
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  3. Cattie Brie, Charged Arrow Bug on PS5

    1. I encountered this issue on PS5
    2. I was playing alone
    3. I was playing as Cattie Brie

    If i stand still with Cattie Brie, i can fire a charged shot after another.
    I press R2, charge the shot, let go and press R2 immediately to charge another.
    No Problem.
    If i move in any direction and try to fire a follow up charged shot after a charged shot, while moving, every other shot will not charge.
    If you watch this video you can see that clearly.

    I am always shooting at the same frequency and i have enough…

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  4. Not awarded attribute points from shrines.

    Hi i believe i have encountered an issue where the shrine bonus attribute point is not being unlocked after activating them. I have found 14 in my playthrough of all 7 quests (always act1 and 2).

    I am playing on PC through Steam; Solo. Game build version: 1.15.63 . I was playing as Bruenor the Dwarf.

    Looking through the game footage i believe it to be the following level/acts:

    • Missing Attribute Point from statue - act 2 Order of the One Light: Order of the One Light (23nd June 2021)

    I believe the following also helps highlight that something is…

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  5. Loot item fell through ground

    Playing on PS5 as the drizzt solo.. on act 1 of the ice dragon quest I opened up a loot chest at the first door area to enter the dungeon and the item dropped into the ground and cannot grab the item. Had a pic but won't upload.. you can see the top of the green aura of the item but unable to collect loot.

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  6. Icewind becomes Invincible

    Sometimes on the last part of the Icewind fight, she will not fly up, meaning that the ice storm that makes her invincible lasts indefinitely. Had to purposefully die and restart the fight to get it to work properly.

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  7. Keybinds Keep Resetting

    Enjoying the game so far, but my keyboard controls reset to default every time I start a mission and when I open the keybind menu. This is a big issue for me because I do not like the default controls at all...

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  8. Combat lags / bugs, wrong hitboxes for huge ennemies

    1. I encountered this issue on PC
    2. I was playing with a friend, me hosting
    3. I was playing as the dwarf
    4. The combats are laggy. The entire game seems great, but as soon as you enter a combat the ennemies are TPing for no reason, hitboxes are innacurate, juste like if we were having huge latency. Only that there is no problem with my internet or my friend's, and we're both having the same issue. When an ennemy hit, he can have a delayed animation or an enormous hitbox, even if you dodge you take the hit, sometimes even when you…
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  9. Killed by ice even after getting warmed by flaming swords.

    I was playing with either Drizzt or Wulfgar and got myself warm using the flaming swords and I was still affected by the ice. This has happened multiple times and different locations.

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  10. Infinite loading after death

    1. I encountered this issue on [PC]
    2. I was playing [WITH FRIENDS]
    3. I was playing as [Wulfgard]

    Death of the group

    The game loads infinitely, which forces to redo the mission from the beginning (after 40 minutes, it hurts)

    This bug has appeared in every game session --''.
    But we have control of our character, we even hear the monsters killing us during the infinite loading.
    (game installed in ssd M2)

    Expected Result:
    End of loading, respawn and continu to play

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  11. Stuck on reloading screen but character responding

    Encountered a bug a few times where I’ll be stuck on the loading screen after death but I can hear that the character is responding to inputs.
    1. I encountered this issue on Xbox Series X, cross play with friend on PC
    2. I was playing with one friend
    3. I was playing as drizzt, they encountered issue at same times with catti
    4. The first time we quit and reloaded. Fortunately when going back into the level we didn’t lose the loot, but had to restart. Afterwards we figured out trying to die may solve it by causing a…

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  12. Game has bugs that stops teleporters and items from working

    Several maps stop working and i can't progress and have to close my game and restart the map all over again. The teleporter has stopped on a few maps along with bomb barrels needed to open doors. This is on Xbox one.

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  13. Playstation trophy bug

    Platform: ps4
    Playing: alone
    Hero name: Auralla

    The trophies aren't registering... i hit level 10 with my warlock and the trophy popped but it failed to actually register the trophy and show when looking at my trophy/trophy percentage...

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  14. Dark Alliance is Broken; Plz Fix these Issuses!

    1) Silence debuff applies to players permanently

    2) Loot rarity pips from skipping camp, don't appear.

    3) Level 1 characters get no XP from dungeons when with a party

    4) Occasionally cannot pickup critical quest items

    5) Whole Party Getting stuck outside the Boss room

    6) The Cook Fight
    The infinite, or very abnormally long load times after a wipe
    The Cooks hook grab teleports through walls
    The Cook himself teleports when his hitbox collides with any wall, when he jumps.

    7)The hotkey to block does not function on xbox when attempting to activate the A X key move. Please…

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  15. Disonnections = No Rewards???

    Why oh Why is it, after you complete a level & boss, have the best drop rate ONCE in your life, complete the level, watch the rewards/total stuff @ the end and the game takes you back to main hub, the game crashes you to start screen, once you load back in, you recieve NO EXP & all of your ITEMS are GONE!!!????

    Sucks, I lost over 2 dozen items and a level of exp today, another words, my 2 hours of play time ended netting me JACK _____

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  16. Now It Makes Sense / Lore Objects bug

    1. I encountered this issue on [Playstation 4]
    2. I was playing [ALONE]
    3. I was playing as [Cattie-Brie] [Drittz]
    4. I've been attempting to compile a guide for the Now It Makes Sense trophy. One of the tomes you pick up in the very first Companions of Icewind Dale level, doesn't appear in my Journal (i tried with both cattie and drittz). Please prioritize fixing this. It's the only trophy I'm missing, and I really don't wanna wait several months to complete it
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  17. Warmth

    Since the new DLC on 3/15/22, warmth is not working properly all the time. It displays like I have warmth, but sometimes when I walk on the ice it does not work. I have tried going back by the flaming sword again to reactivate it, but it says I have it, but clearly it is not activate and I die.

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  18. Level 5 loot drops not happening now or are unreasonably rare at this point.

    Fix loot ! Level 5 Legs are far too rare now to drop i haven't seen one in DAYS . The only 'currency' in the game at this point worth anything to me is Level 5 Legendary drops. I have so much gold it's meaningless and so many crystals they're too meaningless. I'm only playing to continue to gear my main better and better but now level 5 Legs are so rare that I feel like i'm wasting my time and there's no point in playing. Fix it.

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  19. Unlimited loading

    Hello Devs,

    We dying in same times and going to loading screen, after few seconds we can hearing the game and taking our character control but we always have a loading screen... If we die again we have another loading screen and this time it's unlimited without game sound and no more character control. We had this Issue on each 3 sessions.

    1. I encountered this issue on PC

    2. I was playing with my friend

    3. I was Drizzt, my friend was Wulfgar.

    Help us please :(

    Except results : End of loading, respawn and continu to play

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  20. The Deluxe Editions Weapon set!

    I pre ordered the games deluxe edition in order to receive the Weapon sets and never received them! I’ve played over 13 hours, which means I have had plenty of weapon drops!!! I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the add-ons three times hoping it’ll work but still nothing? I spent the $60.00 USD in the Microsoft store for the game to only want the weapon sets yet can’t even access them! Is it a rip off or is there a way I can get these skins ? Someone help? I’m loosing hope in this game!

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