Dark Alliance Bugs & Suggestions/Feedback
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Hey guys, it's the third time in a row the game can't stop loading after a mission..
I am playing on PS4 and I have huge fps drops latency the open chest or taking gold, opening menu (even in solo)...
In fight using dodge don't dodge damage
In fight too, impossible to use execution
On my first mission I got stuck in nothing and auto jump (attachments)
This is some of bugs I saw in D&D and iam sure u will improve the game!
I have a suggestion about co-op, it's hard to found a good group we can only…
10 votes -
Add AI hero companion to offline gameplay
Adding at least one hero companion as an AI will greatly improve the mission flow.
9 votes -
Feedback Bugs and Ideas
First of all - thank you for this wonderful game! Played 230h+ and I still love it!
1. I encountered following issues on PC Steam-Purchase.
2. I was playing both - alone / with friends.
3. I was playing all characters.Bugs:
Coldstone Guardian Setbonus 8/8: The buff "Immunity" does not disappear after using whirlwind until you use it again. This is a big gamebraker. I can't die except from Hagedorns Ultimate at 33% and those Duergar Magicans with necrotic magic - I guess they have an ability to remove buffs. Happens with Catti-Brie's Heal too sometimes - won't…
6 votes -
Caster class (Sorcerer, cleric, mage)
The game sorely lacks a caster class -- as has probably been pointed out myriad times since release. So, I'm just here to remind people that the game does, indeed, need the aforementioned, and that it should likely be both a "healer mage", and an offensive "sorcerer". Perhaps both females, given the 1:3 F/M ratio the roster currently sports. If not, then the offensive caster should be female (a "dark" archetype), and a male cleric / healer.
Whatever the case, without a caster class, the game feels like its in perpetual alpha, and will never gain enough traction to spawn…
1 vote -
Solo play, leveling and looting are still painful.
- I have Combat Power 2073 and I'm still struggling with level 3 challenge which has as recommendation 1500 Combat Power. I'm quite experienced gamer, although not Soulslike gamer. Bosses one shot me, especially with staggering attacks.
- I have tried and succeeded even in Challenge rating 4 and skipped short rests, but the loot is still absolutely rubbish. With luck, one Epic but usually a lot of common stuff and maybe one rare.
- Leveling should be faster and more meaningful. My Drizzt is still at level 11 nearly as mortal as in beginning.
6 votes -
Disconnection Issues - September Patch
It has happened several times now where either myself or my whole party get disconnected after we have completed a level. We lost countless loot. It’s very frustrating. We have spent countless hours grinding for gear. I just lost 3 legendary, yesterday I lost 4 and last week I lost 9. I thought the latest patch would fix it but it happened again today. Very disappointing. This game could be great if it wasn’t for all the bugs. Anything you could do would be helpful. Thank you
4 votes -
Feature Request: Lock-On Zoom Level
When locking onto enemies, it zooms in way too much and I end up getting hit by mobs I can't see at all
7 votes -
Failed to find a Session
- I encountered this issue on XBOX Series X
- I was playing solo
- I was playing as Bruenor
- Trying to switch to online session
Steps: Tried to switch to online session; both Friends only and Invite Only.
Result: Failed to find session, every time I tried. On the same wifi network that my wife was on, and she was able to find a session.
Expected Result: To find a session. Because online multiplayer games have been around for several decades now.
Suggestion: Fix your online multiplayer game so people can actually play it.
6 votes -
Allow Peer to Peer connections
Hi Guys,
First off let me say that I am absolutely loving the game!!! The visuals, the combos, just the everything man!!!!
I know you guys are working on a patch.
I have a couple of questions though:
Will there be some way to host a server from peer to peer or lol I dunno what it is called exactly. What I mean is my friend and I are both from South Africa and play together but we have a 170 ping and really effects our gameplay. Really sucks as when I play offline it just feels so much better...due…
6 votes -
Allow to diable moves
- PC
- Coop and alone
- Catti-Brie
While playing as CB. There are two moves that either need a different activation or need the ability to disable moves.
Rising Kick (tap forward + Light Attack )
Viper Fang Kick (Tap Backward + Light Attack)These are too easy to trigger and often interrupt other attacks. While doing an aimed attack, if you tap forward or back while spamming the Light Attack. You will trigger one of those moves costing you stamina and interrupting your aimed attack.
6 votes -
No co-op play on PC at all
Just got this game and there is not a single person playing co-op. Unfortunately, I now cannot return the game. Is anything going to be done about the state of the game? I am very disappointed. Won't be waiting for any new games from you guys.
1 vote -
Disable auto kick feature
Please add a disable auto-kick for being idle. I play with friends and 3 minutes to grab a drink and bathroom and then im out of the game
2 votes -
Need Couch Co-Op
This game could benefit from a Couch Co-Op mode. My wife would love to play the game with me, but we're not buying another PS4 for that to happen.
6 votes -
Need to revamp loot if the recent patch is the direction the game is headed
I've enjoyed my time spent in dark alliance thus far. I play solo and also with a group of friends at times. Loot grinding games are some of my favorite games. However, they are only good when the reward is worth the effort. Before the latest patch it was riding the line of whether the time spent was worth the potential rewards. After this latest patch I fear it has tipped the scale in the wrong direction.
I do enjoy the increased difficulty that this patch brought! I feel that the way the loot currently works is not a…
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1 vote -
product suggestion
please let blocking interupt any previous button presses. as when you attack someone and the indicator ring then shows your going to be attacked shortly after you start hitting your combo, you can no longer block untill the animation for those button presses finish. it makes the controls feel laggy and slow, changing it would make the controls feel more fluid and responsive. also add an icon to the ring for imminent projectile attacks so we know when to evade and when to block
7 votes -
Echoes of the bood war, never ???
I give you 0/20 for your client service, and communication, Tuque Games and Wizards. Why ?
1) In mars 2021 a official article says there are 3 DLC to comes in 2021, 2 free and one payable, echoes of the blood war. I only preorded Dark Alliance special edition because the last character, a sorcerer or mage. For me, a game without a magic character, isn't a Donjons and Dragons game ! But you don't respect your sale terms. We're in 2022 ! It's unacceptable pay a DLC and don't get it at time !
2) You don't communicate at…
1 vote -
Reset of attributes points for a large gold cost!
Hey team, can you please introduce a reset of attributes points for a large gold cost! this means that any progression we have put into a character can be saved and also that we can try out things without having to start a new character from 1 bad choice.
6 votes -
Concentration, Corrupted and Sapped do WHAT?
No idea what these buffs and debuff do. Would be nice to see a description of ALL buffs, debuffs and conditions in game next to the legend icons. Especially a display of more detail in the journal on its own tab.
6 votes -
Few Bugs and Ideas.
- Please give a map or mini map.
- At the end of an Act game pauses and takes me back to camp, I would like to continue searching area for loot that I have missed or areas that I have not explored.
- Sometimes the enemy just stands there doing nothing please fix.
- Loot does not upgrade when I choose this option at the small camps, and the same thing when I up the level difficulty.
- There is a small delay from when I press an attack button and when my character performs the move, sometimes it’s just around 1 to 2…
6 votes
- Don't see your idea?