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Dark Alliance Bugs & Suggestions/Feedback

1. I encountered this issue on [INSERT PLATFORM HERE]
2. I was playing [WITH FRIENDS/ALONE]
3. I was playing as [INSERT HERO NAME HERE]

Describe what you were doing before the issue happened.

Describe the problem you encountered.

Expected Result:
What you expected would happen instead.

212 results found

  1. Suggestions

    Please 🙏 consider inventory box in the hub area.
    Please consider skins, other moves, crystals, character skins, weapon and gear rotations to purchase in store with (in-game) currency.
    I have about 2 mil in currency and nothing to do with it

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  2. Host can stop portal countdown or enter map

    I would like the option to stop the countdown to mission start, as the host. I have encountered an issue where players with very low levels (<10) will join my party and run straight for the portal without waiting for a full team. Once the timer has started I cannot switch the mission or challenge rating. I have found that these low level players bail after the first wipe.

    While I am happy to help players level up, I would choose a more appropriate challenge level based on the party.

    It is also my experience that players will not join…

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  3. Difficulty

    I generally can only solo in this game and you've made it ridiculously hard to play on anything other than the lowest level. As you know that doesn't yield high enough loot to help me advance and take on more challenging levels.

    I played the mission to fight the Chef on the 1250 level when my power was almost 2000 and died over a dozen times without getting him to 50%. I've watched strategies and did not rush in on any attempt. I'm playing Wulfgar and he had no chance except on the absolute lowest level. That is very disappointing.…

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  4. List of Bugs, Suggestions and Quality of Life Improvements

    1. I encountered this issue on XBOX SERIES X
    2. I was playing ALONE AND OFFLINE
    3. I was playing as DRIZZT

    Hello devs, I've compiled a list of the issues I've encountered while playing in the past few weeks. I will try to describe the problem in an organized way and a suggested solution to it for your consideration. At the end of this list, I've also noted some feedback and suggestions that I think will improve the game going forward.


    • ISSUE: Balancing in general, especially for solo play.
    • SOLUTION: Even after the 12th July patch, enemies still do…

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  5. There needs to be some sort of Mage character

    There needs to be some sort of Mage character.
    These types of games ALWAYS have at least one Mage type characters!!!
    Its just dissapointing theres not

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  6. Patch will not download

    Hello Devs, there is a 87 MB Patch today but my Steam Client will not download it, it keeps saying Disk Write Error.

    I have tried launching my Steam App as Administrator, Validated The Integrity of The Game Files, turn off and even uninstall my Antivirus software and changed the Region for My Downloads, nothing worked.

    Please assist.

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  7. Combat control, overloaded inputs

    I really like how the game combines player skill (learning different combos & special attacks) with character progression (unlocking new skills and abilities to use). However it feels a bit clunky to use after you start unlocking a lot of new attacks, often due to controls being overloaded.

    On Drizzt, for example, at the start of the game there are 3 move sets for light attack:
    - hold forward (w) + light + light + light + light
    - neutral stance + light + light + light + light
    - hold backward (s) + light +…

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  8. Mask of Kelvin Act III Level Design

    This level is designed so poorly. If you miss the moving islands, not only do you lose health but you also have to stupidly wait for the island to get back to an attainable position. Really interrupts the flow.

    In general, this game is not a platform game with precise jumping, so it needs to stop trying to be. I have pressed jump to avoid holes, spikes, and poison so many times, but the button fails to register.

    Back to Mask of Kelvin Act III: How can you have a giant arena to fight the frost giant sub-boss and there…

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  9. Button Mapping Needs Improvement

    I play on Xbox One. Right Bumper (RB) and Right Trigger (RT) are terrible for combos. I don’t understand who thought that was a good idea. Luckily, you can remap them to the face buttons, X and Y respectively. Hooray! Except that now if I get frozen solid or stuck in a verbeeg trap, I have to “rapidly press” Right Bumper. That is not a “rapidly press” location the same way it is terrible for combos. We need something like “Rapidly press A” or “Rapidly press B” for escaping the frozen or trapped states.

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  10. Armored Enemies (Goblins) are OP

    Armored enemies, more the goblins than the dwarves, are too absorbent of punishment. I can do a dash-dash-light-then-up+fierce combo with my level 20 Drizzt on the hardest difficulty and kill goblins and goblin archers in one go, yet it takes me almost as long to beat an armored goblin/dwarf as it takes a verbeeg. Drizzt needs armor-penetrating or guard-breaking move like other characters have and/or the armored enemies need to have their armor softened.

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  11. <Mapping feature

    Simple...Mapping for the party -where you have been, your party, your enemies

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  12. Feedback

    Indie companies with 3 employees manage to put out better games, better/faster patches, and still manage to communicate with the community beyond the most vaguely garbage patch notes I've ever read. The devs behind this game should be extremely embarrassed with themselves. Wotc really dropped the ball by giving this title to a studio that clearly were in way over their heads.

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  13. To help improve the game!!! Please upvote so it can be seen by developers??!?

    Hi,posting feedback to help improve the game if you like what you see please upvote this so the developers at Wizard can see this as well!!

    1- Appearance, Options are Extremely limited and need to be handle fast, I love the look of the Necro set but I see no need for it set bonus! So add a function where we can dismantle or send the gear we like to a npc who then can allow us to have this option in are appearances, cause like to play while looking great! This would help your player base feel like there

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  14. Font size and HUD size issues

    The font is incredibly small and hard to read, especially in the menu, the objectives on the HUD, and the lore objects/bios in the notebook. Please add some sort of option to adjust this so I can play without straining my eyes or sitting right next to the TV.

    Also, the upper-right corner of the HUD where my objectives are hangs off the screen and gets cut off. It's not normally an issue, unless there are optional objectives and I can't see how many Dwarven Mugs I have to gather or how many weapons racks/supply carts I have to destroy.…

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  15. Suggestion - Combat Feedback

    I apologize for the length of this, but I have found this issue needlessly frustrating and I knew this was going to be too long for the general feedback page. As this is something that generally belongs there, if this is ignored I will not take offense. I just want to get this out there; though a reply would be appreciated.

    In this game, there are some major issues with user input (at least with controllers, I am not using mouse and keyboard, though I would bet the issues I'll lay out are the same). As far as I can…

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  16. Bugs/feedback/suggestions

    Let me start off by saying (I am no professional btw) I do enjoy the game, and I like the overall frame or structure and intention of the game. I would just like to include things I think need work and what I'd personally would like to see. #1 the delay between hitting the select and start/pause button is very noticable and unlikable. There is delay when trying to access the menus from both the select button and start button. It is tolerable but I believe it'd be rather likeable for a responsive and non-delaying reaction between these inputs. #2…

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  17. Suggestion - Adjust Dodge Timings

    Hello. First off I just want to say that I am a big fan of D&D, specifically the Legend of Drizzt timeline.

    I purchased the deluxe edition of Dark Alliance. I knew coming into the game that it definitely wouldn't be like the older models of Dark Alliance. I purchased the game for PS4. I have encountered a considerable amount of lag and freezing. The pause button take anywhere between 2-3 seconds to register offline. And for combat, though I love the direction you all have taken. The dodging is a little frustrating. I would expect to be able to…

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  18. More cutscenes of the heroes in action

    Pre and post mission cutscenes of the actual heroes in action should improve the flow of the story considerably. As opposed to simple narrations, and villain only cutscenes.

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  19. knockdown recovery

    Playing as Cattie-Bri mostly. When I'm knocked down, the time for me to stand back up/recover takes a seemingly long time. Such that, a single enemy can get multiple hits on. It's a practical wipe once she's on the ground since there is no invulnerability once on the ground. Enemies even have time to walk up to her and strike. A particular cult enemy, the standard melee ones have a long-*** jump attack that'll knock her down. Is there a skill or button timing to get back up faster? Cause I'm about done with this game because of how ******…

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  20. Equipment score feels meaningless.

    Even 500+ equipment score over the recommended for the higher levels still leaves enemies as absolute damage sponges but any one of them can 1-hit you.

    I can understand the difficulty scaling up in the higher tier modes but it feels like there's a massive disconnect between equipment score and capability. I've swapped some gear around to have a near identical equipment score and suddenly been MUCH better off.

    I guess what I'm saying is that, creating builds with equipment in this game is fun, but the representation of the build's power/effectivness could do with some work.

    Otherwise, having a…

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