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Dark Alliance Bugs & Suggestions/Feedback

1. I encountered this issue on [INSERT PLATFORM HERE]
2. I was playing [WITH FRIENDS/ALONE]
3. I was playing as [INSERT HERO NAME HERE]

Describe what you were doing before the issue happened.

Describe the problem you encountered.

Expected Result:
What you expected would happen instead.

212 results found

  1. No co-op play on PC at all

    Just got this game and there is not a single person playing co-op. Unfortunately, I now cannot return the game. Is anything going to be done about the state of the game? I am very disappointed. Won't be waiting for any new games from you guys.

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  2. 不正カードをデッキから取り除けない



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  3. Echoes of the bood war, never ???

    I give you 0/20 for your client service, and communication, Tuque Games and Wizards. Why ?

    1) In mars 2021 a official article says there are 3 DLC to comes in 2021, 2 free and one payable, echoes of the blood war. I only preorded Dark Alliance special edition because the last character, a sorcerer or mage. For me, a game without a magic character, isn't a Donjons and Dragons game ! But you don't respect your sale terms. We're in 2022 ! It's unacceptable pay a DLC and don't get it at time !

    2) You don't communicate at…

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  4. new interface

    It would be really helpful if every time I wanted to change formats or decks, if it didn't automatically default me back to non-ranked best of 1. the concept of it seems decent, however I've oopsie doopsied quite a few games that I thought were ranked but turned out to not be.

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  5. Infinite moves

    There are many combination of cards that provide an infinite amount of moves that take away from the game when a user chooses to utilize them in such a way. i.e. card - untaps when gains life. Paired with an enchantment - tap to create 1/1 creature . If they have 'when creature you own comes into the game you gain life' with the two above they have infinite tap/ create. It just makes everyone quit. This should not be allowed.

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  6. Disable auto kick feature

    Please add a disable auto-kick for being idle. I play with friends and 3 minutes to grab a drink and bathroom and then im out of the game

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  7. Just bought the game only to find out that I cannot play it on my French keyboard

    While in the options I realized that it is impossible to change the movement binds. Although it is not strictly impossible to play with the QWERTY keyboard binds for movement, it makes it VERY difficult, and honestly not fun to twist my hand in order to play.
    I was exited about this game and the first 10 minutes were ruined by something that should be implemented right from the start. Please implement a movement key change in the options, so that people from other countries with a different keyboard layout can actually play the game.
    Thank you.

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  8. Authentifizierung schlägt fehl

    Das Einloggen ins Spiel funktioniert nicht mehr. Bitte um Hilfe.

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  9. crossplay

    Do you have a date for the crossplay between Xbox and Steam ? I bought the game at the first day only to play with my brother. One of your biggest marketing idea was to tell us we will be able to play between the different platforms, and particulary between PC and Xbox. But my brother is using Steam and me Xbox Series X. We can't play together and we are just waiting an update to be able to play together. I know there was already a lot of people asking the same thing so please just make it possible.…

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  10. So you've given up already??

    Really, crickets coming from the devs/programmers concerning OVER 700 complaints about your game....

    Not one bug fixed properly...

    And "WE" still have a DLC code that IS NOT ACTIVE yet.....

    Plan on addressing any of this anytime soon, or have you just given up now that you got some $$ and say "*****" the gamers???!!!

    I'd go farther into this, but I THINK you got the idea.

    If you don't, I'd suggest looking for a NEW LINE OF WORK/JOB!

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  11. RNG/Drop Rate On Tier 6

    So, again, after making 50 gear runs on Tier 6 on the second act boss, totaling :

    50 runs x 9 drops = 450 items, not counting the random drops you get from mobs on way...

    I got a whopping 12 Legendaries of which EXACTLY ZERO of them were Level 5, and exactly ZERO of them were Grim Reaper......

    WTF man!!!!???

    Can't gear up Cattie-brie if we can't get "targeted" drops nor the fact that they system WON'T give us Lv5 gear!!!

    Fix this jeesh!

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  12. Zero Support in a Buggy Game

    Your game has potential and can be really fun to play. However, as many have pointed out, it's buggy AF. Worse, your support is trash. It's so trash that you've even turned off player reviews on Steam (who the **** does that?!) I feel bad for you. You have a lot of great things about this game but I have to play each mission like 3 times in order to progress because I'm always getting disconnected at the end while playing co-op (my friend doesn't lose progress, only me, and we have practically the same specs and settings). SO many…

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  13. Maybe you should RESPOND to these post/feedbacks....

    You really need to respond and let people know that you're trying to fix the game. As is, I'm about ready to give up. Tired of:

    Drops falling through map
    Legendary drops are like 1 in 200 runs
    Constant 1 Hit KO's
    Laggy Servers
    Skills not working properly/delayed meaning AGAIN 1 Hit KO's
    Opening a "potion" box and constantly getting pots I don't need instead of what I'm actually needing

    List goes on.....

    Oh, and FYI, your "patch" notes are just lip service. Most on that list HAVE NOT been addressed and are still in game ALIVE & WELL causing…

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  14. Feedbkack / Suggestion 06/10/2021

    Bonjour j'aurais un Feedback et une suggestion à vous proposer

    1- Feedback
    je trouve dommage que lorsque le chef d'équipe meurt que tout le monde soit fasse téléporter au premiers point de passage ou de départ.

    2- Suggestion
    - Serait il possible d'avoir un coffre pour entreposer du loot une sorte de réserve
    - Serait il possible de bloquer du loot pour ne pas le supprimer dans notre inventaire par erreur
    - Prêt de la carte de lanement de mission il y a une sorte de orge, dommage de ne pas mettre un PNJ ici ca fait vide. Je verrais…

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  15. Multiple Things Needed...

    First off, NOT a bad game per se, BUT...

    1) Need to make sure ALL Shrines give you the Attribute & Feat points...One is bugged.

    2) You supposedly PATCHED the item caches that dropped gear through the map. Well I'm here to tell you, my friend and I found 6 that still do this. And we also found a couple that allow only one of us to retrieve the item. The other player gets no "Collect" icon, so drop just sits there spinning.

    3) Really need to fix the AOE AI....alot of the time you cannot dodge far enough and…

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  16. Disconnection Issues - September Patch

    It has happened several times now where either myself or my whole party get disconnected after we have completed a level. We lost countless loot. It’s very frustrating. We have spent countless hours grinding for gear. I just lost 3 legendary, yesterday I lost 4 and last week I lost 9. I thought the latest patch would fix it but it happened again today. Very disappointing. This game could be great if it wasn’t for all the bugs. Anything you could do would be helpful. Thank you

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  17. Camera work on Icewind’s Fury

    Any good hack and slash, “action RPG” game would have the camera zoom out for a large enemy such as Icewind. I have to sit there and dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge her one-hit kill stomps and one-hit kill bites when the shoddy camera won’t even show me what she is doing for me to react. Add to this how RIDICULOUSLY FAST this gigantic dragon can spin around 180-degrees and stomp/chomp me and you have an experience that makes the player want to turn the game off forever. I expect a challenge in the final battle. I want to…

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  18. Difficulty

    I generally can only solo in this game and you've made it ridiculously hard to play on anything other than the lowest level. As you know that doesn't yield high enough loot to help me advance and take on more challenging levels.

    I played the mission to fight the Chef on the 1250 level when my power was almost 2000 and died over a dozen times without getting him to 50%. I've watched strategies and did not rush in on any attempt. I'm playing Wulfgar and he had no chance except on the absolute lowest level. That is very disappointing.…

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  19. Mask of Kelvin Act III Level Design

    This level is designed so poorly. If you miss the moving islands, not only do you lose health but you also have to stupidly wait for the island to get back to an attainable position. Really interrupts the flow.

    In general, this game is not a platform game with precise jumping, so it needs to stop trying to be. I have pressed jump to avoid holes, spikes, and poison so many times, but the button fails to register.

    Back to Mask of Kelvin Act III: How can you have a giant arena to fight the frost giant sub-boss and there…

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  20. Button Mapping Needs Improvement

    I play on Xbox One. Right Bumper (RB) and Right Trigger (RT) are terrible for combos. I don’t understand who thought that was a good idea. Luckily, you can remap them to the face buttons, X and Y respectively. Hooray! Except that now if I get frozen solid or stuck in a verbeeg trap, I have to “rapidly press” Right Bumper. That is not a “rapidly press” location the same way it is terrible for combos. We need something like “Rapidly press A” or “Rapidly press B” for escaping the frozen or trapped states.

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