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Dark Alliance Bugs & Suggestions/Feedback

1. I encountered this issue on [INSERT PLATFORM HERE]
2. I was playing [WITH FRIENDS/ALONE]
3. I was playing as [INSERT HERO NAME HERE]

Describe what you were doing before the issue happened.

Describe the problem you encountered.

Expected Result:
What you expected would happen instead.

212 results found

  1. cattie-brie's piercing shot does too much damage.

    When this game started, Cattie-Brie's moveset was really limited and the combat was boring.

    As I unlocked more and more moves, I had a lot of fun incorporating each new move into my attacks and combos. I think that the minimum stamina being 50% was too high, as it doesn't particularly punish spamming stamina eaters all that much, but I was still having fun.

    Until I unlocked piercing shot.

    Now 90% of my attacks are piercing shot. It does way too much single-target damage for the small setup that it has, not to mention when you actually line up a…

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  2. simply put you made the regular monsters stronger.. and didnt change the boss strength

    please increase the armor and stamina to the charactors and nurf the regular monsters then buff the boss monsters.. also make the cultivists attack smooth. i hate being killed by some rando monster then i hate even more that i get one shoted by a cultivist that was never even on my screen, or when i get killed and then i see the attack happen after i die, giving my no chance to block or dodge or attack... when you attack a monster they should at the least be slightly stunned and shouldnt attack through your hits

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  3. Need to revamp loot if the recent patch is the direction the game is headed


    I've enjoyed my time spent in dark alliance thus far. I play solo and also with a group of friends at times. Loot grinding games are some of my favorite games. However, they are only good when the reward is worth the effort. Before the latest patch it was riding the line of whether the time spent was worth the potential rewards. After this latest patch I fear it has tipped the scale in the wrong direction.

    I do enjoy the increased difficulty that this patch brought! I feel that the way the loot currently works is not a…

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  4. Latest Update Killed the Game

    Latest update has ruined the game. Buffing enemies and nerfing players has made the game unplayable. One shot deaths on max characters is not fun at all. Impossible to play cr5 or 6 as a solo player and we will never get AI companions. With player base dropping you won’t be able to find a group online either. I really enjoyed the game……please save it!!!

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  5. Add a Tab for General Information

    At Kelvin's Cairn, make a menu tab accessible to read about various game mechanics such as:

    Stats - e.g. explain how Elemental Penatration works.
    Conditions (Status Effects) - short descriptions
    Short Rest Loot Bonus
    Set Gear Bonuses: e.g. All three bonuses do/don't stack.

    This should be a simple list (like the Journal) that shows in a scrolling pane as needed.
    Requires minimum dev/testing time and easy to modify content.

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  6. The AI damage is too high when there is still teleporting AI hits. (the hit to my character occurs before any visual movements)

    You guys can’t make the guys hit that hard when you still have teleporting enemy hits. By teleporting hits, I mean the hit occurred from the enemy before a movement is even displayed on screen. I can’t tell you how many times now I’m like what was it that just 1 shot me? Don’t make the Dungeons have such a high Combat Power requirement. There isn’t enough content to make those like raids. Plus the dungeons are a part of the loot loop since there are areas that have increased gear rate drops. So now I get 1 shot from…

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  7. Friendly fire


    Play on PC as Bruenor while friends play Cattie and Drizzt.

    I don't know if this is intentional or not, but friendly attacks seem to bounce off or unable to be executed if you aim at or your attacks hit a party member.

    We tested this in the camp. Whenever I was anywhere near Drizzt all his special moves would just stop without doing damage. When I moved off his screen he could do all his moves without problem. I could still pull off Bruenor's move without issue.

    When I stood in the way of Cattie's arrows and attacks…

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  8. Bug

    I have noticed that the ping time takes forever. (The time it takes between when i give a command and the game executing a command) and the archer has a hard time finding critical hits, I can hit the same spot 5 times and 1 be critical and if there is 2 criticals one does 2500 damage and the other does 600?. also I am facing the floating mage you have to kill 5 times??? And he can chain 3 specials together? Like holes on the ground, teleport to you and hit you with a beam all in like 2…

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  9. I accidentally sold my level 5 Sorcere's Sentinel sword and i'm crushed. Please add a buyback system.

    I accidentally pressed A instead of X and now I don't have a level 5 legendary sword. And I probably won't get another one. Please add a buyback system.

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  10. Faster camera speed and movement. General bugs and glitches. Better ai. And better long range attack.

    Just faster camera speed and movement in general. Better ai in general. Bugs and glitches and sliding movement in general need to be fixed. And this is optional be would he cool to see the long range attack with all characters maybe if they were just different all together instead of just throwing the disc like slivers something bigger and more destructive or did a little more damage per attack and being able to fire them off faster.

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  11. Solo play, leveling and looting are still painful.

    • I have Combat Power 2073 and I'm still struggling with level 3 challenge which has as recommendation 1500 Combat Power. I'm quite experienced gamer, although not Soulslike gamer. Bosses one shot me, especially with staggering attacks.
    • I have tried and succeeded even in Challenge rating 4 and skipped short rests, but the loot is still absolutely rubbish. With luck, one Epic but usually a lot of common stuff and maybe one rare.
    • Leveling should be faster and more meaningful. My Drizzt is still at level 11 nearly as mortal as in beginning.
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  12. Needs LAN party

    We are a family of gamers! Multiple PlayStation owners and a few pcs, our problem is the lag when we party up and try to play together ( in the same house, all wired PS4) LAN party option would be most useful, our son refuses to play anymore until the issues have been resolved. I know you are currently addressing the disconnect after every dang “mission”. If we hadn’t all purchased digitally, I can assure you there would have been several returns to retailer!
    Disappointed as it feels like it is going to be an amazing game

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  13. Suggestions

    Please 🙏 consider inventory box in the hub area.
    Please consider skins, other moves, crystals, character skins, weapon and gear rotations to purchase in store with (in-game) currency.
    I have about 2 mil in currency and nothing to do with it

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  14. Suggestions

    Please 🙏 consider inventory box in the hub area.
    Please consider skins, other moves, crystals, character skins, weapon and gear rotations to purchase in store with (in-game) currency.
    I have about 2 mil in currency and nothing to do with it

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  15. Idea

    Please 🙏 consider inventory box in the hub area.
    Please consider skins, other moves, crystals, character skins, weapon and gear rotations to purchase in store with (in-game) currency.
    I have about 2 mil in currency and nothing to do with it

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  16. Host can stop portal countdown or enter map

    I would like the option to stop the countdown to mission start, as the host. I have encountered an issue where players with very low levels (<10) will join my party and run straight for the portal without waiting for a full team. Once the timer has started I cannot switch the mission or challenge rating. I have found that these low level players bail after the first wipe.

    While I am happy to help players level up, I would choose a more appropriate challenge level based on the party.

    It is also my experience that players will not join…

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  17. Suggestion - Hotjoining

    The team start at camp and ask player to join, after the trip start, players can’t join the team!

    Why? some players may disconnect or skip, friends may need some time to join, I wish it is available To join the team even the trip had begin.

    I also wish we can run same character in the team!


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  18. Shorter Game Mode (Wave Defence?)

    I'm really enjoying this game, but something that is is missing (in my opinion) is a much shorter gameplay loop. The story missions are fun, and clearly the core of the gameplay, but as you get no rewards if you don't finish the mission, I'd love a shorter game mode to be able to quickly jump into if I only have 15 minutes or so to play.

    My suggestion would be a wave defence mode. I would take the tutorial tower area, and turn that into a wave based mode. Waves would get increasingly difficult and every 5th wave or…

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  19. Suggestions

    -Please consider rotating gear to increase chances to open more chest in different dungeons to earn better rewards. I also thinking this method will keep players interested in farming.
    -Please consider drop in - drop out co-op
    -Please consider adding mission level in menu due to mistakenly think group in highest difficulty.
    -please consider adding messaging system.
    -Please consider adding more items to shop due to I have over 2 million and nothing to spend it on.
    Thank you for listening to our feedback. Would love to see your game grow overtime.

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  20. Upgrade to deluxe

    Currently playing on Steam on normal edition. I like the game and want to upgrade to Deluxe. There doesn't appear to be a way to do that without a full purchase of the game. Can we add a $20~ option to upgrade from regular to deluxe? Excited for the expansion!

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