Dark Alliance Bugs & Suggestions/Feedback
858 results found
problems with controls
The combat system needs to be urgently revised. It feels heavy, clunky and very deficient. Most of the time the character registers actions that I don't want to do (I want to shoot with the bow and he jumps backwards, I want to dodge and he kicks ....). When dodging, it either doesn't do it or does it in the opposite direction. When I want to hit, it hits the air even if I have the enemy fixed....
The combat system needs to be urgently revised. It feels heavy, clunky and very deficient. Most of the time the character registers…1 vote -
Several times during co-op we've completed all objectives and it will not progress. I was on [WINDOWS 11 PC]
I was using Quick Play Co-Op
I was playing as Cati with a Drizzt
No work around, tried suicide to respawn last room (Cultists to stop on Act 2 of Crystalline Dreams 'Act II: Crystal Harvest'), tried killing/exploring whole map
Similar incident happened last week with co-op while we played an Act 3 where you gather wisps to revive the forest spirit but after killing all side-bosses and gathering wisps... nothing. (Act III of The Crystal Wraiths - Seven Masters)
1 vote -
Crystal wraiths
On the second Crystal Wraiths mission boss fight, if you die you respawn outside of the force field that went up at the start of the fight. The forcefield blocks you from returning to the fight. Playing on Xbox.
2 votes -
transfer character to new machine
I am spending a lot of time on upgrading my character drizzt on XBox One X.
If I upgrade my gear to XBox Series X, or if I transfer to windows version, will I be able to transfer my character to the new machine?1 vote -
Add a List of Players Looking for Group
Hey guys, it's the third time in a row the game can't stop loading after a mission..
I am playing on PS4 and I have huge fps drops latency the open chest or taking gold, opening menu (even in solo)...
In fight using dodge don't dodge damage
In fight too, impossible to use execution
On my first mission I got stuck in nothing and auto jump (attachments)
This is some of bugs I saw in D&D and iam sure u will improve the game!
I have a suggestion about co-op, it's hard to found a good group we can only…
10 votes -
Stuck in Loading Screen
get stuck at an infinite black loading screen, tried restarting system and uninstalling no fix yet, infinite load times.
7 votes -
Missing level/loot/currency
I hosted a game with 2 friends on PC. After completion of the first level, one of my friends had no loot, but they had their level and currency. I, the host, received no money, no loot, and no experience. I was still level 1 afterwards. I played the barabarian and my friend who also had issues played the Dwarf. Please fix soon. I did enjoy playing, but until this is no longer an issue, I will not be playing.
9 votes -
Loot drops under map
Was in a co-op session with a friend, and a loot drop appeared from a chest under the map. We tried everything from running away to wiping to reset it above map but nothing worked.
7 votes -
- Silence Debuff doesnt goes away after Destroying the Crystals( No Skill or Potion works to remove it)
-Delay on Pause (even in offline mode)
-Delay on press/hold reviving Party member
-Fire entirely missing on HOSTS side (but still damaging)
-Lack of animation on breaking items
-Enemies enrolling in space program
-Got hit by arrow rain FAR outside of displayed animation area (walked further out stopped getting hit, walked slightly closer and got hit again)
-Incredibly low FPS on some animations (Elevator was jumpy, Arcane arrow looked downright laughable with a slow moving 10 fps arrow, Teleport was skipping…9 votes -
Add AI hero companion to offline gameplay
Adding at least one hero companion as an AI will greatly improve the mission flow.
9 votes -
A way to search for a group based on level/ map/ or difficulty
Put in a search feature when looking for group. To many times have I been loaded into games that are way above my level. Also I've been in the position of somebody joined my game and than the party management menu doesn't show up so I cannot determine if they can play the same level I can.
9 votes -
- I encountered this issue on XBOX
- I was playing WITH FRIEND
- I was playing as WULFGAR
I was playing co-op online with one other player. Twice in a row, we completed a level, saw the reward sequence, both got disconnected from the game, and I did not receive any of my earned experience or items.
Attempted uninstall, reinstalling game, etc. No luck after attempts to trouble shoot.
4 votes -
Can we please just get an auto loot feature? I'm tired of loot falling through the world, not popping out, or just flat out not able to be picked up when I am standing right in front of it.
I was hopeful with the most recent patch notes but it seems even more broken now. Verbeeg act 2 has been my go to for chest farming and I'm pretty sure 2 of the 6 chests has bugged 100% of the time in the 5 or so runs I've done in the last day.
Why not just implement an auto loot?
4 votes -
Having to replay same missions over and over due to crashing
My friend and I are playing co-op on high end PC's, through Xbox Game Pass using controllers. We have had this bug a few times where we finish a mission, complete all objectives, and then after showing our stat sheets, we both push A on controllers to go to the main camp and then it bugs out on the screen load and disconnects. We still keep the loot but we have to do the mission again in order to unlock the next one, and often 3 - 4 times before it will keep the mission completed. This is really frustrating…
3 votes -
Feedback Bugs and Ideas
First of all - thank you for this wonderful game! Played 230h+ and I still love it!
1. I encountered following issues on PC Steam-Purchase.
2. I was playing both - alone / with friends.
3. I was playing all characters.Bugs:
Coldstone Guardian Setbonus 8/8: The buff "Immunity" does not disappear after using whirlwind until you use it again. This is a big gamebraker. I can't die except from Hagedorns Ultimate at 33% and those Duergar Magicans with necrotic magic - I guess they have an ability to remove buffs. Happens with Catti-Brie's Heal too sometimes - won't…
6 votes -
Caster class (Sorcerer, cleric, mage)
The game sorely lacks a caster class -- as has probably been pointed out myriad times since release. So, I'm just here to remind people that the game does, indeed, need the aforementioned, and that it should likely be both a "healer mage", and an offensive "sorcerer". Perhaps both females, given the 1:3 F/M ratio the roster currently sports. If not, then the offensive caster should be female (a "dark" archetype), and a male cleric / healer.
Whatever the case, without a caster class, the game feels like its in perpetual alpha, and will never gain enough traction to spawn…
1 vote -
Collect all Lore Objects
I have all the collectibles in the diary, but the achievement doesn't unlock
Please confirm this is the exact amount of objects.
6 Paintings-----8 Reliefs-----70 Tablets-----38 Tomes2 votes -
Solo play, leveling and looting are still painful.
- I have Combat Power 2073 and I'm still struggling with level 3 challenge which has as recommendation 1500 Combat Power. I'm quite experienced gamer, although not Soulslike gamer. Bosses one shot me, especially with staggering attacks.
- I have tried and succeeded even in Challenge rating 4 and skipped short rests, but the loot is still absolutely rubbish. With luck, one Epic but usually a lot of common stuff and maybe one rare.
- Leveling should be faster and more meaningful. My Drizzt is still at level 11 nearly as mortal as in beginning.
6 votes -
Unable to pick up chest loot
Encountered issue on PC
Was playing with friends (2-3 players)Was playing as both wulfgar and drizzt. Party members playing as Cattie-Brie and Breunar
Unable to pick up loot from several chests across all levels played. One member or no members of party could pick up loot then option to pick up would disappear for rest of/all of party.
4 votes -
Disconnection Issues - September Patch
It has happened several times now where either myself or my whole party get disconnected after we have completed a level. We lost countless loot. It’s very frustrating. We have spent countless hours grinding for gear. I just lost 3 legendary, yesterday I lost 4 and last week I lost 9. I thought the latest patch would fix it but it happened again today. Very disappointing. This game could be great if it wasn’t for all the bugs. Anything you could do would be helpful. Thank you
4 votes
- Don't see your idea?