PC Gamepass Constant CoOp Disconnects
- I'm on Windows 10 PC Gamepass Ultimate
- I was playing with random matchmaking
- I was playing as Drizzt and Wulfgar
- I have tried multiple app resets, game reinstalls, pc resets, I am hardwired to a 100GB down, 15GB up router, I have tried wifi, I have tried other networks. None of your suggestions have fixed this issue.
This is a huge deal breaker for me. I got this game on the premise of it being a coop brawler, and it is anything but that. Please fix your connections. The game is unplayable for me in its current state. I want to be able to play the game- both with friends and other players.
Also, If I am going to randomly disconnect- at least give me the loot I got for my time lost.

blue2u2#90000 commented
I'm having a similar issue. I'm chatting on discord with my friend and not disconnecting, I am running a persistent ping to and not losing it, yet three times now on the very first mission we can do in coop, I am getting disconnected in different portions of the mission.
I have tried disconnecting from Wifi and reconnecting, closing and reopening the app, nothing seems to work. My friend I am playing with isn't disconnecting at all. I'm not sure what we have that could be different that would cause it. Both using game pass on PC, both using discord for chat. I have a RTX 3080, he has a 3070.
Edit: I've tried 7 missions in Co-Op now. 5 with Bruenor, every one disconnected 5-20 minutes in. 2 with Wulfgar, one disconnect about 10 minutes in, one finished and DC'd both me and my buddy on completion while it was sending us back to camp.
I was hoping maybe it was just an issue with Bruenor, but after testing with Wulfgar as well, I'm back to square one.