Unresponsive/Laggy AI
The AI is very unresponsive/laggy. Many times i am standing in front of a mob for even 6-7 seconds , without the mob reacting to me at all. This thing is kinda better in offline mode, where the average response times of the mobs is about 3-5 seconds. Due to that, all the mobs' attacks/action seem pretty "disconnected" from what the characters are doing, thus lowering the whole experience of the game.
- I encountered this issue on PC
- I was playing with friends AND alone
- I was playing as Cattie-Brie
This thing also happens to other 3 of my friends ( all on PC platform, either online/offline , different characters) , so it's not an isolated issue.
Please for your actions because other than that, the game is really good.

Syrex#75411 commented
definitely makes parrying non-existent. A seemingly non-teleporting (ability) mob several feet away is suddenly in front of you mid-air attacking, by the time you go to parry its too late.