Total inventory loss
I encountered this issue on Xbox One S
I was playing with friends
I was playing as Wulfgar
I was playing with 3 friends. We had mission queued up but weren't ready to start, but one of us thought it would be funny to start it anyway. I believe what happened is, as the mission started I was holding the button to buy the ailment cure potion. When we loaded in, i noticed my gear was default. After returning to town, my inventory is blank. I can't even interact with any of it except the potions and abilities, both of which don't show anything available to equip. If I try to speak to the vendor I get stuck and can't back out of his store or use the UI at all. Both of my ability icons on the HUD are the same icon as Catti's healing ability. When I hover over the character in the character list, he's invisible. Basically, it's very very broken and I can't currently use the character.
That being said I'd just like to also say I've really enjoyed the game so far, and won't let this stop me from continuing to play. I'm confident, regardless of whether this character somehow gets saved by an update or not, that your dev team is going to do their best to refine any rough edges that exist now. Cheers.