Not awarded attribute points from shrines.
Hi i believe i have encountered an issue where the shrine bonus attribute point is not being unlocked after activating them. I have found 14 in my playthrough of all 7 quests (always act1 and 2).
I am playing on PC through Steam; Solo. Game build version: 1.15.63 . I was playing as Bruenor the Dwarf.
Looking through the game footage i believe it to be the following level/acts:
- Missing Attribute Point from statue - act 2 Order of the One Light: Order of the One Light (23nd June 2021)
I believe the following also helps highlight that something is missing. I am waiting till level 20 to place my points to avoid a mistake so keeping a keen eye on them.
You get 2 attribute points at level 10
Current level 11 = 11 Attribute Points
Shrine in game = 14 Attribute Points
Total I have = 24
Total should be = 25
The video at 5:25 shows the shrine in question and at 7:30 it is the unedited playthrough of the level.
Please also consider a respec (retrain) we can buy multiple times from the merchant to open up once we reach level 20?
Any help here would be great. I am enjoying it in solo and wish to continue. This is the biggest concern i have is the game hiding some earned loot so to speak. If i am wrong in my maths or this is intentional please let me know.
Thanks again

CaptainMayheeem#05136 commented
Hey, I have the same bug in Order Of The One Light Act II. I've activated the shrine, but didn't get the point. I played Cattie.
BabyDragonProject#71056 commented
Online co-op - Friend/brother playing as the dwarf Bruenor
Version 1.15.63Lost attribute point awards for Cattie Brie and Wulfagar - 24th June 2021
Cattie Brie:
My Brother invited me over steam through friends only and we played: Companions of Icewind Dale-Act 1: Goblins at the Gates. Upon defeating the boss it stalled at the loot screen then sent me back to the trapped empty arena. My Brother was back at base camp. I could access my status menus as if i was at base camp but i wasn't. Start button brought up as if in teh mission and would not let me go back to camp. I had to force restart the game. I got my loot but not my Attribute for leveling up. (Now level 4)Wulfgar:
I invited my brother to my game through friend only and we did Companions of Icewind Dale Act 2 Halls of the Duergar on Challenge 2. Upon completion i came back to teh base camp as if Wulgar was a new selected character. no attribute points or any of my gear equipped. I left and loaded in solo fine to get my gear but was again down an attribute point from my leveling. (now level 5)Please help i dont want to restart all my characters again. we both love it as a co op brawler its fun and a good pick up put down game if we have an hour or so to spare.
I can provide video if wanted/needed.