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Hey guys, it's the third time in a row the game can't stop loading after a mission..
I am playing on PS4 and I have huge fps drops latency the open chest or taking gold, opening menu (even in solo)...
In fight using dodge don't dodge damage
In fight too, impossible to use execution
On my first mission I got stuck in nothing and auto jump (attachments)
This is some of bugs I saw in D&D and iam sure u will improve the game!
I have a suggestion about co-op, it's hard to found a good group we can only open a room and wait people. It would be nice to have a list of player to join with their lvl, gear lvl and why not the mission they want to do (especially for dungeon). Finally we could see their country if we want to use voice chat.
Hope it can help you to improve the game! I am a lil bit sad to see those bug in the game but hold on and keep your head up.
Have a good day.
See you in dungeon.