More Defensive options
I (Drizzt) was playing the game with my friend (Catti-bre) on Xbox and relatively enjoying it, despite the glitches. However I always end up getting hit by an attack that i cleaely dodged. Ground pounds should be jumped over, right? But no, they always hit unless you spam dodge and hope it doesn't count you as hit. It got to the point when fighting The Chef boss, I just ran into him, did as much damage as possible before dying in 1 hit, while my friend stood back, unharmed and knocking him back long enough for me to do it again.
There are 3 melee focused characters and 1 ranged, but you get punished for being within melee range of nearly every enemy, especially bigger ones. If you cannot add more options for defense, please fix the hit registry. The game shows promise, but it is hard to like the game when it frustratingly says you die from an attack you dodge.