Allow Peer to Peer connections
Hi Guys,
First off let me say that I am absolutely loving the game!!! The visuals, the combos, just the everything man!!!!
I know you guys are working on a patch.
I have a couple of questions though:
Will there be some way to host a server from peer to peer or lol I dunno what it is called exactly. What I mean is my friend and I are both from South Africa and play together but we have a 170 ping and really effects our gameplay. Really sucks as when I play offline it just feels so much better...due to no ping of course. So a option to host directly would be amazing.
Will we be seeing a Wizard/Sorcerer in the future. That would be amazing.
Hmm, I really thought I had more questions....guess that's it then.
Looking forward to hear from you guys.
Hope you have a great night/day! Now let me get back to my dungeoneering.

Josith#45436 commented
Don't worry, it's still a laggy, enemy rubberbanding-type mess at 60 or so ping, it might not even be an issue on your end. I'm in the UK and online play is noticeably messed up. It's like we're fighting the enemies and their lag buffs.
Rethro Lucian#97316 commented
This would be amazing to have. You have no idea what this would mean to DnD Dark Alliance fans don't have a good connection or any close servers.