PlayStation 4
-Creatures dies can't collect bomb/lever and have to quit and lose all loot (so many times it hurts)
-Blue screens, black screens after reward screens (have to close app), and frequent kicks post game
-Game crashes and lucky us, can't get our loot back nor can our friends re-invite us to the game so we get our DESERVED loot!
-Button taps often don't register leading to pauses between much needed combos that often leave characters standing still then DYING!
-The loot system SUCKS. How does giving commons on 4000 power make any sense, not to mention they're not guaranteed 5? What?
-Audio bugs after 1-2 games, can't talk nor hear teammates
-Finish games and my teammates can't level, stuck in an infinite level 1 loop! Like come on!
-Hit radius on AOE's and the ogre spear is awful! The reaper rogue dagger spin too is an instant loop of unable to dodge and death!
-Dwarf needs a buff, either to debuffs or to his tank abilities, especially his shield, otherwise he's worthless
-Instantly lose ultimate if you fall off map! What?
-Enemies fall through the map, drop loot, can't pick it up? What?
-Let us REJOIN games, or after a boot sequence, start it up back up and log back in at our current spots!!
--High level content is NOT rewarding enough!!
--Only seven customization options? What is that??
-Increase the amount of loot and scale the rarity with power level especially when you have about 5-6 sets that require 8 pieces each, how the heck can someone get their favorite set with those odds and ****** drop rates? Awful!
-Fix all the game breaking bugs, I'm tired of getting kicked, getting booted, and not being able to attack with combos cause my presses don't register and leave me looking like a zombie!
-More on the way too!