To help improve the game!!! Please upvote so it can be seen by developers??!?
Hi,posting feedback to help improve the game if you like what you see please upvote this so the developers at Wizard can see this as well!!
1- Appearance, Options are Extremely limited and need to be handle fast, I love the look of the Necro set but I see no need for it set bonus! So add a function where we can dismantle or send the gear we like to a npc who then can allow us to have this option in are appearances, cause like to play while looking great! This would help your player base feel like there a reason to farm, and not feel mind numbing looking for the perfect piece!
2- Gear Upgrading, this is another thing that need to be implemented asap!! The pure fact that someone like me can play and farm the same boss to or 3-5 hours a day,or till am mind numb and still only get a rank 4 legendary on Ascension 6 and only if am extremely lucky, being able to use the excessive amount of legendary crystal I have to upgrade a Epic, would be a godsend!
3- Multiplayer, Need to have a way to have vote kick option or something due to the player base kicking either some else who using cattie when a friend want to use it or kicking player due to low power base!
Hopefully developers see this, and to everyone who see this and you like what you see please up vote this so we can get their attention!?!?!
shared this idea