Mission item / Missing enemy bug
- Experienced on PS4/PSN
- I was playing with friends
- I was playing as CB
This has happened on various missions. Often an item necessary to complete the mission (i.e. explosive container, lever) is impossible to pick up. I have tried various work arounds and it OCCASIONALLY works, but not often. Usually I have to entirely restart the level, losing any gained items, and wasting my time. As well as this, occasionally an enemy (usually a mini-boss) will disappear when killed rather than actually die, causing me to have to quit the game and restart.
Of all the bugs in the game, this is the one that will make me quit if it doesn't get fixed. I enjoy the game despite the other issues, but I do NOT enjoy losing literally hours of progress (I think I have estimated that I have lost 8 hours of gameplay due to forced restarts). If this is not fixed I will be quitting the game, and probably not trust your game development in the future.