I've had to quit playing until a the time I invest in the game is rewarded equitably.
I'm a huge D&D fan. I have all the 5e books. I use D&D Beyond. I DM for Adventurer's League. I go to conventions to DM for AL. I'm also a huge co-op PvE video game fan. It seems that I'd love this game from the get-go. I did. It is a great premise and I sincerely hope you guys can bring it back.
I play with friends on Xbox and PC and I have one of all four characters. The game in its current state doesn't give me a reason to return. Ther loot progression is not there, the difficulty has been increased to beyond frustrating, and the constant connection issues and other "I have to start this whole mission over" bugs have made me set Dark Alliance aside until you guys fix it.
Once that get's fixed my friends and I will be eagerly jumping back. Please, please fix this game, because it's a needed representation of D&D in video gaming!