Icewind’s Hit Boxes Are Way Off
All of Icewind’s attacks hit the player without always hitting the player. She stomps off screen and I die. She snaps her jaws near my character and I die. I’m 10 feet away from her flying breath weapon when she destroys the ballista and I die. I’ve been trying to beat her repeatedly on a reasonable difficulty for my character and I have not once died to a goblin or had them really affect the outcome. It’s ALWAYS one bite, one stomp, or one ice stream, instant death. Ridiculous. There’s a big difference between challenging and strategic boss fights and final battles that are cheap and broken. The Physical Resistance, Elemental Resistance, and even Health Potions are pretty useless because of instant death. Icewind also seems to turn on a dime, impressive for a dragon. One minute I’m hacking at her ankles and all of a sudden her face is biting me in two. Yup, broken instead of challenging.