DC after patch more often than not at end of an act, NO REWARDS IN CHEST
On Xbox x/s playing in open to public game, I was hosting. After final boss, whole thing completed, including screens at end, we were in loading screen to go back to base camp, and I d/c’d. This happens after recent patch more often than not. It never happened previous to this patch. This time I d/c’d the rewards chest was EMPTY. There is NO excuse for this. I lost 3 legendaries, several epics, quite a few rewards pieces, xp, everything.
Why not just give it out when the screens are up saying you received it? Why the stupid chest at the end, making it impossible to get if you are disconnected? This is ridiculous, and makes me not want to play this game. There is NO point to it. THIS MUST BE FIXED ASAP, if you want to have any hope of retaining the user base that actually likes the game. Your patch made things MUCH WORSE. Who’s checking what happens with a patch? They need to actually play the game. FIX IT.