Multiplayer disconnects at completion, and sometimes loses all rewards
Dark Alliance Bugs & Suggestions/Feedback
← Customer Feedback for Wizards of the Coast
1. I encountered this issue on Xbox One
2. I was playing with friends
3. I was playing as Cato-Brie
4. There is no workaround
Either start a custom MP game, or join one (doesn’t matter which)
Start an Act (doesn’t matter which one or rank)
Finish the act
View all the rewards
Everyone holds A to return to camp
The game starts a reload screen, with tips, and the usual amount of time is spent reloading
The game says you’ve been disconnected
You have to start again as from the menu screen (select XB account,etc.)
You end up in Offline camp
You may have your loot, and your XP, or you may not
Expected Result:
Expected the whole team to return to camp, for XP to be applied to the character, and for the box to have your loot.

M4DL10N#12783 commented
I have experienced this 100% as described... lost 3 legendaries one time too!
Had to take a few days break to grieve, lol.