Dark Alliance is Broken; Plz Fix these Issuses!
1) Silence debuff applies to players permanently
2) Loot rarity pips from skipping camp, don't appear.
3) Level 1 characters get no XP from dungeons when with a party
4) Occasionally cannot pickup critical quest items
5) Whole Party Getting stuck outside the Boss room
6) The Cook Fight
The infinite, or very abnormally long load times after a wipe
The Cooks hook grab teleports through walls
The Cook himself teleports when his hitbox collides with any wall, when he jumps.
7)The hotkey to block does not function on xbox when attempting to activate the A X key move. Please allow custom, or semi custom controls.
8) Reverting back to level one, with no items, occurs after a dungeon, force quit to resolve
9) We want Explanations of ALL status effects and ALL modifiers from gear, with explanations, on Character sheet; so we don't have to guess what they do. How much damage mitigation do we get from Armor, or elemental resistance
Example: frenzy/ cursed/ cleave/ indominable/ condition resistance/ stamina recovery
10)No Items appearing in the tally screen, for the entire party, after a dungeon
11)We would like the ability to respec. perhaps for 50k gold?
12 We can upgrade crystals as long as we have the gold, infinitely. the crystals are consumed, then it allows you to continue upgrading past what it should allow
13) AI will attack dead party members
14) When reviving you are Invulnerable
15) Cant find all enemies, and therefor cannot progress in certain areas, because enemies either do not spawn correctly or, end up in walls or under the map.
In conclusion, this game has some potential but way MORE bugs. please squash.
Ps. please add more classes and RACES (like dragonborn monks)