Cant pick up items sometimes, party dc's, teleporting, forced disconnects etc.
First off, let me just say that the game, when it works properly, is really fun to play. However, I am so tired of video games now adays letting the players be their final QA testers and theyll just fix the issues later. I would like a complete game. There is a glitch i have encountered several times now and it is frustrating as all get out to consitently lose progress and loot when this happens. Levels that REQUIRE you to pick up items like the verbeegs bomb or necromancer levers sometimes get glitched to the point where you cant ever pick them up. sometimes you can run away or have everyone die to reset the item. but others the fight doesnt even proc to pick it up when you do that. in instances like this i am forced to abandon the dungeon and sacrifice everything i picked up, wasting my time. it is frustrating when you spend an hour in a level just to leave it! when the game works, its alot of fun, but issues like this make me wonder if i should just wait to play until the all the bugs are fixed. Very glitchy, forced disconnects 50% of the time, teleporting enemies and bosses, cant progress in missions, random stick locations where you cant move and your character is just stuck in one place. the party management tab coming back from missions about a third of the time is missing. Random black screens coming back from missions forcing to quit the application and restarting it again. This game is fun when it works most of the time playing solo, but most of the time i want to be social and play with people. and since i cant, it is extremely extremely frustrating when it doesnt work. and it doesnt work alot. Please make this game playable with no party ending and level ending bugs.
- Playstation 4 Pro
- I was playing in a random party.
- Every character
- No workaround found that works 100% of the time