Redo the skill trees and create more distinct build options.
Moves should be broke up into different trees to allow for more build specifications.
Example, Cattie seems to be all over the place. She needs to be a melee, ranged, and support all at once per mission.
Breaking up the skills and feats that enable cattie to be more of an upclose fighter using more combos, a ranged bow user who uses more ranged bow skills, or a support using more crowd control or her healing abilities.
This I think would add more depth to the game and make better user of the gear sets and future sets.
Doing the same all 4 characters could lead to some seriously fun and changing gameplay based on how friends play each character.
Also a friend of mine is a huge fan of the books but noted none of the characters signature weapons are in the game. Might we see those weapons later one in future updates?