Let me start off by saying (I am no professional btw) I do enjoy the game, and I like the overall frame or structure and intention of the game. I would just like to include things I think need work and what I'd personally would like to see. #1 the delay between hitting the select and start/pause button is very noticable and unlikable. There is delay when trying to access the menus from both the select button and start button. It is tolerable but I believe it'd be rather likeable for a responsive and non-delaying reaction between these inputs. #2 There also seems to be a bit of lag whenever a lot of events is taking place, for example, when you are with other players and are fighting together a decently packed number of enemies and you all use your abilities and certain frame capturing moves, it can get hectic and cause a bit of lag. Now I know internet connection, and old gen vs new gen can play a factor. But I think a little bit of work with the games stability to those things would help. #3 There seems to be a bug when quest items like the explosive Barrell to open the pathway to progress through the act(mission) or dungeon seems to be unresponsive to the action(collect) button. There have been plenty of times through my playthroughs the (ex.) Barrell doesn't allow me to collect it and just floats there, and I end up having to back up, wait a minute or so, and then I'm able to pick it up. This could definitely use some work. #4 There have been disconnection issues in terms of after finishing an act(mission) a player in the lobby gets disconnected out of nowhere. A similar bug that has been happening, is when an act(mission) gets completed, multiple times I have been loaded in as a level 1, fresh version of my active character, and with no loot from the completed act(mission), and I'm forced to leave my party of players and then rejoin them. #5 I'm not sure what causes it, but there have been times and I believe it's mostly after loading out of a cutscene, my character is unable to attack or block, only evade and dodge. Overall those are most bugs I've encountered and feel like they are achievable to fix. For suggestions I have a few things in mind that I would love to see in the game. #1 more characters in the future. #2 the ability to upgrade each characters abilities. #3 an option to respec or in other words re-establish your attributes points (say I wanted to put more strength on a character but reached max level and can't undo any attribute points). #4 more levels and dungeons. #5 higher level or skill cap. Overall these are suggestions I would love to see come in the future to keep me playing for a long time.