PS4 version nearly, frustratingly unplayable
I play on the PS4 digital deluxe version. Whether playing solo or with friends in both INVITE ONLY & FRIENDS ONLY to see if it would make a difference.
*Several instances of myself & friends getting stuck oriented in one direction, can't R3 out, just keeps turning & looking at non-existent point that until you kill yourself or log out, can't be removed.
*Extreme lag at weird non-action oriented or particle-filled time. Just running or turning the camera. And obviously worse frame-rate drops when there is group action.
*Enemies that magically appear underneath you & no I'm not talking about teleporting or coming up through the wooden hatches.
*The auto-lock randomly deciding to go off of the enemies during combos.
*Getting damaged by attacks when we've been out of the designated, lit area for a second or more.
*Starting stages and literally doing nothing but walking with friends, not sprinting, not evading or dodging and Total stamina usable is lowering for no reason.
Wizards, you are now a division of Hasbro, please get it the **** together. Don't mess up the opportunities you were given by using ****** teams to make your video games. Both this & Magic: Legends had a lot of potential but because you are opting to be cheap, you are seeing the consequences of ******, inexperienced programming. Please, act like you've been doing this for decades.