Beat he Boss - stuck in room
In 'Defeat Kronus Seven Scars' we were a 2 man co-op team Cattie-Brie & Wulfgar level 3 difficulty
we were playing online on pc (STEAM friends)
we beat Kronus Seven Scars boss but nothing happened
we were stuck in boss level unable to leave do anything.
we returned to camp with no achievements cash or rewards

FATT Prisoner#03565 commented
1. I encountered this issue on [xbox]
2. I was playing [with my son online]
3. I was playing as [catti-brie]
4. []
Me and my son were fighting the boss KRONUS SEVEN SCARS (t4) on the mission "The order of the one light" as we killed all the minions we had the boss left as we were fighting the boss my son was attacking it and the boss did one of his teleport moves and glitched him somewhere else not on the map now we had to quit and lose all our loot can you help me keep the loot
Both had to leave the game with zero loot or xp
Expected Result:
I was hoping to kill the boss gain all the loot and xp but nope had to quit