Terrible Performance Ps4 Pro
Instead of going into a long paragraph. I'll bullet point this.
- Framerate across the whole game sinks at time. Mostly with a lot of clutter in the area and the graphics bumped to high.
- The Flags/Banners are running at low fps
- Platforms that lower and Ascend cause massive framedrops
- Character sheet menu, pause menu, character select menu and the
objective menu in mission causing a hitch and a delay for a few seconds before it comes up.
- *On all characters, switching equipment/gear with a lot of detail cause a 1 to 2 second hitch.
- Stuttering and hitching occurs though out all the missions
- When Respawing causes a massive low framerate and makes character models pop in.
-Screen tearing when turning the camera.
- I encountered this issue on Ps4 Pro.
- I was playing Alone.
- I was playing as Drizzt, Catti-brie, Wulfgar and Bruenor*(explained above)
- No workaround