cattie-brie's piercing shot does too much damage.
When this game started, Cattie-Brie's moveset was really limited and the combat was boring.
As I unlocked more and more moves, I had a lot of fun incorporating each new move into my attacks and combos. I think that the minimum stamina being 50% was too high, as it doesn't particularly punish spamming stamina eaters all that much, but I was still having fun.
Until I unlocked piercing shot.
Now 90% of my attacks are piercing shot. It does way too much single-target damage for the small setup that it has, not to mention when you actually line up a couple targets. If combat was a little faster paced and that setup time actually cost me taking a hit every now and again, maybe it would be okay. Maybe if minimum stamina was lower than 50%, I would actually have to be careful about using moves that eat stamina.
But as it stands, no matter what combination of moves I use, nothing seems even close to the DPS that I get from spamming piercing shot, and it is too easy to get that DPS at basically no cost. Sure, I could just not use it, but it's so hard not to. I shouldn't have to take it easy on the game to have fun with it.
Save me from myself. Nerf Piercing shot.
EDIT: If you want a suggestion beyond just changing the stamina mechanics/every enemy's AI, I would propose cutting the short-range damage output by like 40%, making that damage uniform at all ranges, and extending the max range by like 100%. This way, players still get good damage from using the ability to actually skewer multiple targets, and aren't incentivized to spam near-melee range piercing shots at every enemy in the game.