Feedback on Patch
I made an account here just to leave feedback, because this new patch is just unbelievably bad. I bought this game about a week ago, and I was really enjoying it despite the negative reviews it was getting. It felt like going on an adventure. Finding treasures, fighting monsters, discovering lore. But ever since the last patch went through, I've been getting increasingly frustrated. I am playing on difficulty 3 to get through the story, which I am very overleveled for, but suddenly mobs are one-shotting me?? That never happened before, and it's not adding anything fun to the game, it's just ******* me off. I could understand this being the case for five or six, but THREE? Give me a break. That's not good balance, sorry. It really makes me not want to play the game anymore.
Moreover, the patch has introduced bugs where I will kill enemies but they won't register as having died. It happens a lot in boss battles, which stops me from progressing or finishing the act altogether. That's even more maddening after the suffering I'm being put through.
I have to ask: are you guys actually listening to your fanbase? Or are you just pushing through rushed patches that nobody actually wants? Because the latter is what it feels like right now, and you're going to lose your playerbase. I'm going to keep an eye on things because I really wanted to play through this game and get trophies, but in this state, I'm not enjoying it.
Currently playing on PS5.