Mask of Kelvin Act III Level Design
This level is designed so poorly. If you miss the moving islands, not only do you lose health but you also have to stupidly wait for the island to get back to an attainable position. Really interrupts the flow.
In general, this game is not a platform game with precise jumping, so it needs to stop trying to be. I have pressed jump to avoid holes, spikes, and poison so many times, but the button fails to register.
Back to Mask of Kelvin Act III: How can you have a giant arena to fight the frost giant sub-boss and there is only one tiny bag of gold on one of the balconies. Really? No destructible items around or crystal nodes?
It’s also really disappointing in many levels, including this one, to complete a big battle with a dozen cultists and a frost giant or verbeeg, or a mix of wraiths and goblins or duergar, and then no Short Rest. Some levels have like 5 Short Rests while others like this one only have 2 or 3. Really inconsistent and unbalanced.