This game, shuffler topic aside, it's always been bug free in my experience, but that's my first inconvenience.
During a Premier Draft for Kamigawa Neon Dinasty, in the cards pick phase, the game grashed, freezing after every single click(even if the pc ram and disc were more than ok).
After that, whenever I've tried to pick a card, the selected card just vanishes, leaving a hole in the list of cards and with no pick in my deck list.
The problem occurred while playing on pc and ruined my draft experience since I had to wait until the time expires to have a card autoselected.
I would like to have my 10000 coins back for that, just to play another draft normally.
I'm sorry but haven't got any screenshot of that because it is my first time reporting a bug.
This game, shuffler topic aside, it's always been bug free in my experience, but that's my first inconvenience.
During a Premier Draft for Kamigawa Neon Dinasty, in the cards pick phase, the game grashed, freezing after every single click(even if the pc ram and disc were more than ok).
After that, whenever I've tried to pick a card, the selected card just vanishes, leaving a hole in the list of cards and with no pick in my deck list.
The problem occurred while playing on pc and ruined my draft experience since I had to wait until the time expires to have a card autoselected.
I would like to have my 10000 coins back for that, just to play another draft normally.
I'm sorry but haven't got any screenshot of that because it is my first time reporting a bug.