Its obvious once again your playing favorites
How about you stop playing favorites and level the firld I mean 8 mana gems a 9 cast in my hand need 1 gem to cast and EVERY SINGLE TIME THE 20 OR 30 % CHANCE ON THE MANA HAPPENS it would be one thing if I found myself in this situation once or twice a day however it has been 100% of the time if there is a card in my hand that is 1 gem from casting with the game on the line it gives me whatever ability the mana card has and screws me on the game.... THIS IS EVERY TIME..... THIS ISN'T A ONCE IN A WHILE EVERY SINGLE TIME....I swear someday your gonna have to stop playing favorites some of us wanna know who the real champ is ..... AND AIN'T NONE OF YOUR LIL DO BOI'S GOOD ENOUGH THATS FOR 100% CERTAINTY... I'm as sure of that as I am there isn't a ****** mythic colored name in the game because no one that plays this game with any integrity too them would ever work for you Mrs. WILLIAMS... and you have my word the clock is tickin cause I'm going to put the law to the net and you ***** are my first stop