Journal Entries - Notification Icon Stuck
My game is showing an exclamation point under "Journal Entries" but when I scroll through all the selections nothing is new. I don't know if this is a bug or I am just missing something. Please advise.

OBODUZ120#36945 commented
Dr. Obodubu Monday is recognised all over the world of marine kingdom, As one of the top fortunate and most powerful spell casters doctor of charms casts from the beginning of his ancestors ship until now Dr. Obodubu Monday lives strong among all other spell casters, there have never been any form of impossibility beyond the control of Dr. Obodubu Monday it doesn’t matter the distance of the person with the problems or situation, all you have to do is believe in the spell casting Dr. Obodubu Monday cast that works, he always warns never to get his charms cast if you do not believe or unable to follow his instruction. it is the assignment of the native doctor Dr. Obodubu Monday to offer services to those in need of spiritual assistance not minding the gravity of your situations or distance as long as water, sea, ocean, lake, river, sand, etc. are near you, then your problems of life would be controlled under your foot. if you need any spiritual help on any of these WhatsApp Doctor Obodubu on : +234 705 993 7909
Get Your Love Back
Fruit Of The Womb
Business Boom
Financial Breakthrough
Get Rich Without Ritual
Do As I Say
Bad Dream
Promise And Fail
Land/Court Case
Mental Disorder
Political Appointment
Visa Approval
Examination Success
Spend And Get Back
Good Luck
Natural Neath
Sickle cell
Win Court case
Promotion At Work
Commanding Tone
Protection Ring
Marriage Success
Love Ring
Favour Ring
Recover Lost Glory
Spiritual Power For Men Of God
Travel Success Ring
Job Success
lottery/ win
And Many, More
make haste to Dr Monday on WhatsApp +234 705 993 7909 for spiritual problem today and you will surely get solution to all your predicament
Snake2410#76172 commented
This recently happened to me while playing co op on the first crystal wraiths act with three other players. One them had it bug out the same way too. My lore trophy for the main game popped just fine though. Haven't done the expansion maps yet though.
Rayrayy#08145 commented
Same here. I completed all collectibles (reliefs, paintings, tomes and tablets) and read each one but the exclamation icon still shows on my journal. Not sure if this is why I still can't unlock the "Now it makes sense" achievement. Please fix.
AlexandruP commented
I have the same problem, and not just at Journal Entries, also at Feats. I hope they will solve this soon.
Reposter#89412 commented
I have Viewed trophies and checked all the Journal Entries for my Wulfgar Character and the Exclamation Mark does not disappear as well, this just happened today after my Last Session with Wulfgar for Level 4 Act 1 of Companions Of Icewind Dale.
Amargein#25069 commented
Viewing trophies worked on 3 of my 4 characters. My first character (Cattie-brie, day 1 character) still has notifications on her trophies (and feats) that won't go away by any method I could try, including viewing the trophy nook.
Gutmonkey9 #46238 commented
Go to the corner of the hub where your trophies are click to view those that should get rid of the check mark.