The AI damage is too high when there is still teleporting AI hits. (the hit to my character occurs before any visual movements)
You guys can’t make the guys hit that hard when you still have teleporting enemy hits. By teleporting hits, I mean the hit occurred from the enemy before a movement is even displayed on screen. I can’t tell you how many times now I’m like what was it that just 1 shot me? Don’t make the Dungeons have such a high Combat Power requirement. There isn’t enough content to make those like raids. Plus the dungeons are a part of the loot loop since there are areas that have increased gear rate drops. So now I get 1 shot from I don’t even know. And no one can revive me because they could get 1 hit by your outrageous enemy damage now. You sucked all the coop play out of the game. We take like 1 or 2 hits from trash mobs and we die. So revives are no longer relevant. Revives should be so available that they are a part of the gameplay loop. If we can’t revive each other, then we have to clear an area nearly complete before resurrecting our buddies. And no game is fun just watching your buddies. Get your player base back in the gameplay loop. Here’s what you do, add the ability to block while reviving so you at least don’t take hits from the front. Lower the ai damage and put more of them on the screen. You don’t have to go full Dynasty Warriors but make the gameplay a little more arcade feeling. The characters themselves are badasses and are not gonna get absolutely wrecked by a single goblin. Let us rack up those combo chains. Don’t make it so I take one hit and die. This is not Dark Souls. Don’t try to make it that way either, you have too many moving enemy targets for that. Lorewise, we’d slaughter a bunch of the little stuff. You still have aoe splash damage from Verbeeg that hits me out of the range. My character is dead out of the range. I was playing Drizzt, Blinked and then got 1 tapped by an archer. An archer! And I was supposed to be invisible! Like ranged attacks should be nerfed considerably. They spawn in all over in multiples and can kill with a single hit? C’mon. Or a few hits, you never know what it was that truly killed you at times. The guys with Wolverine claws have teleporting hits and the cultists have teleporting hits.
-Steam version

TESTRAT#33341 commented
other resurrect options are to add invincibility frames, or to reduce the resurrecting time