Excess Gold and Materials Use
What about optional ways to use gold and materials instead of just upgrading gear? Either by adding additional upgrade tiers to equipment from 3 to 5, paying to re-roll gear for a chance at a legendary quality, or what about dungeon buffs? Pay “x” amount of gold/materials and you receive a buff(s) for the next scenario you do. I was thinking mainly for solo play in mind for the buff idea as the difficulty is pretty steep but with the latest update, offline and online could use something.

Drizaxle#44473 commented
Agreed. Sitting on 3.5M gold and over 300 legendary shards and nothing to do with them. Since you can't share anything between characters and multuple layers of RNG sucks the life out of gear grinding, why not enable some respec options or provide a means to actually get a specific item you need, even if the price is high? Feel like I'm rich and have nothing to spend money on. Can't respec attributes. Can't roll on gear stats. Can't progress solo anymore (since patch). Can't reliably play with strangers due to poor matchmaking. Would love a legendary weapon to complete my set. Would love to still play. No reason to. Waiting for patches...