Level 20 all points allocated: Reset to Level 1 and still gaining attribute and feat points beyond the 'maximum'
Playing a Level 20 Wulfgar on PC in a multiplayer team.
A couple of weeks after leveling the character to 20 and unlocking and allocating all Attributes, Feats, Moves it became apparent at the Tally Screen on the completion of a run that the toon had been reset and was now showing as Level 6. All the Feats, Attributes and Moves appear as unlocked and remained as I had allocated them - thankfully. The toon retained its gear - thankfully.
Further runs with the same team confirmed that: the toon was being leveled-up again and was receiving Feat Points and Attribute Points even though the toon should have been capped.
It appears as if I could allocate the additional Attributes points but I have NOT taken the process to completion. Thus the toon has only used the normal number of Attribute points.
I currently have 11 additional Attribute points and 11 additional Feat points. This is annoying and I trust the remedy will not destroy all my hard won progress.