Dark Alliance Bugs & Suggestions/Feedback
861 results found
Cattie Brie Ultimate Attack Bug
- I encountered this issue on Steam (PC)
- I was playing Both Stand Alone and Multiplayer
- I was playing as Cattie Brie
- When using her Ultimate (Arcane Arrows) The animation shows and launches but the arrow itself is stuck in the bow and the animation is very slow. I've had my friends try on their end and they get the same thing. Arrow stuck in bow and the animation fires very slow and clunky.
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Can't play Mouse issues
I was playing Dark Alliance. I do think concentrating on the disconnection issues should be the priority. Buuuut Please give us the option to turn off mouse acceleration/deceleration on PC. The game is borderline unplayable when you cannot effectively predict how far/much the character will turn. I honestly don't think you had a true mouse and keyboard player test the game. I showed to my gaming group hoping to get them buy and group up. All of them are fans of the source material. To-a-man they said it controlled like trash when you're in the middle of a fight.
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pb de deconection/ pb d équipement/ pb de lancement du jeu/pb son
pour commencé , ca fait vraiment plaisir de rejoué a un dark alliance.
-mais hier nous avons essayé de joué avec 4 amis, mais nous avons fait face a de multiple deconnection au lancement de la mission, d'un joueur qui avait prit le nain. cela ce produit des que nous somme 3. et meme en partie il arrive que nous soyon deconnecté, et impossible de rejoindre la partie...- puis parfois quand on rejoint la session de l'un on ce retrouve avec un personnage niv 1 sans equipement.
-il m" est agalment arrivé un bug son j'avais le droit a…
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Title menu
I'm on my series X and when I load the game up and press A so I can start the game it won't let me, I've re-download this game 5 times and have had the same problem. I've also tried to press a on 5 controllers and they all work but still I can't even get past the title screen
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Bug on Win10 Xbox App, Drizzt solo & Bruenor w/ friends. executions not scoring at tally screen or triggering team attack as Bruernor
fix the bug please
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Bug and Feedback
I encountered the Issue on Steam/PC
I was playing with friends
I was playing as Bruenor BattlehammerProblem: During combat my friend was playing as Drizzt and was immobile after being revived. He could not move, use abilities, or items. I managed to have him lowered to zero hp but he was still standing and was not able to be revived nor could he respawn. This was on the Halls of Dreuner (Sorry if misspelled) mission.
Feedback: My main critique is the way you join matches and that you can't join mid-game. So if my friend gets stuck, which he…
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The Chef
When fighting the chef, the hit box for his skewer is entirely too wide. After dodging behind him as he threw the skewer, it still hooked me and pulled me to the front of him. Also, I would be right around 3 or 4 (relative) feet outside of his jab and still manage to get hit. Please fix.
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Left Click Basic Attack is Unresponsive
- I encountered this issue on PC via Steam
- I was playing online or alone
- I was playing as Wulfgar
- Basic attack with left click is not responsive. Most of the time, a second click is required to execute the attack. There are instances when it is not responsive for a few seconds.
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Gray screen of death
I got my first legendary and encountered a gray screen that only let me see an occasional red outline of a boss. I have the game clip saved on my Xbox Series S if you're interested in seeing it. Lost my first legendary and feel like never playing this game again although I do understand glitches occur. It would seem less likely in a linear game like this than in an open world like Outriders. Which I was very forgiving of and support to this day. I like to imagine how hard writing code for these complex games is, however…
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Blessing of the Tempus
Blessing of the Tempus feat doesn't calculate correctly. It also doesn't apply to Necrotic resistance whereas items with "elemental resistance" does so there is inconsistency.
Playing on Game Pass Cloud, Offline mode as Wulfgar
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Game screen froze for me, but my friend still saw my character reacting to my control inputs
- I was on Xbox One
- I was playing in a invite only game hosted by my friend on his Series X
- I was playing wulfgar and my friend was playing catti-brie
After finishing the first level we popped back up at the home base area. I was able to move around, but my camera reverted to non-inverted vertical and it wouldn't stick when I tried to change it in settings. I walked over to the chest and it said it was empty when it should have had a dozen items. I then walked over to the shop and got into…
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Save BUG on PC
I encountered this issue on PC. Game loaded at an older save date/time. I lost a a bunch acts, equipment, and went from level 12 to level 9. You can see from my save files that I am at Jamboree Act 2 and finished all of the Goblin Shard but in the world map it shows I have only completed Act 1 of Goblin Shard.
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Sprint mode HOLD or PRESS ... or toggle
- PC
- Coop and alone
- any character
Under accessibility, you can set your sprint mode to HOLD or PRESS.
This is confusing grammar to use. You would think that HOLD means that you are only sprinting when you hold the button. However, if you then look at Keybindings it says Sprint Toggle. perhaps the keybinding label is matched with the wrong Sprint mode. Because when the mode is set to HOLD you only sprint when holding the button.I noticed that HOLD mode doesn't always recognize when I'm holding the button. For example, sometimes when I jump I hold the sprint…
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Disconnects and more
- Encountered on Windows 10 Gamepass Version
- Playing Co-Op with 1 other person(effects any Co-Op)
- All Hero's
- None Found
1.) Game Disconnects all users after completion of a mission, Kicking all users back to title screen, Loot is still available after users log in and mission is credited as complete, however party and session has to be reformed every time.
2.)Verbeeg Chain attack hit box is 2-3 times as wide as the animation / model suggests resulting in players being one shot on higher difficulties even when they believe to have dodged out of the path of the chain attack.
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Crashes - PlayStation 4
Everytime I attempt to load the game I get to the initial Dark Alliance screen. It then freezes for a few seconds and then crashes and logs me completely out of the PS4. I have attempted to rebuild database in safe mode already.
Error message NP-3481-0
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Character progress not synching on Xbox
I have an Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and an Xbox One X in my house. I have been playing the game on all 3 and my character progress is not synchronizing across my systems. I have a different version of the same characters on each system. Is there a way to force a synchronization or is this a bug?
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Total inventory loss
I encountered this issue on Xbox One S
I was playing with friends
I was playing as WulfgarI was playing with 3 friends. We had mission queued up but weren't ready to start, but one of us thought it would be funny to start it anyway. I believe what happened is, as the mission started I was holding the button to buy the ailment cure potion. When we loaded in, i noticed my gear was default. After returning to town, my inventory is blank. I can't even interact with any of it except the potions and abilities, both of…
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Há um grande desequilíbrio e discrepância entre os danos recebidos e causados nos desafios 4, 5 e 6 contra jogador, um grande handicap que desmerece, causa antipatia pelo jogo, dando a impressão que se trata de um jogo sujo da empresa para forçar multiplayer, isso é irritante, causa ódio e nojo do jogo. Se não querer ver o jogo fracassar corrijam imediatamente esse gesto desonesto que desmerece o game play, aumante o desafio de forma justa e honesta como deve ser em qualquer rpg, para se que possa fazer desafios maior que 4 sozinho, tem jogadores que não gostam de…
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Player Levels Showing Incorrectly
When you are in a party and go to the Party Management section it shows everyone except yourself as a level 1 even if the people in your party are higher level.
Also, can we please have something that shows what difficulty the party leader picks when going into missions?? Its pretty annoying not knowing what they picked.
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potions missing
I am playing on PC via Steam. I made a Wulfgar character. I have played on him for half a dozen hours. At no point has he been able to obtain or use a potion. Not after short rests, not after entering/leaving an instance, not after looting them from chests.
To see if this was specific to my account, I made Drizzt. He, however, came with 3 potions and was able to restock as intended.
I don't know how this bug happened, but I'm hoping it can be fixed!
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