Receiving error : Exiled
Receiving error : Exiled - it looks like you navigated away from the page or you were removed by the host. Click rejoin to go back into the game or go to the lobby to find another game. I bought two new windows 10 computers and got the same error. It works fine on my windows 7 machines... I am the host and just testing my own room and getting exiled. Is there a setting that needs changed? Please help! Thanks
ChinoBandido#94460 commented
I've only been using SpellTable for about 3 weeks now. For the first 2 two weeks, I used it for several multi-hour sessions with no problems whatsoever. However, earlier this week I started running into this same issue where I get exiled over and over, and the problem is persistent. Now every session is like this. I can't play even a short game without getting booted from the lobby over two dozen times. It's incredibly frustrating and I can't believe how many people are experiencing the same issue without even a hint of a solution.
BTak17#78826 commented
Has any fix for this been found? this keeps happening to my wife now, and we've tried everything from deleting cookies, trying different browsers, to completely reinstalling web browsers. Happens multiple times in a session, not even 30s sometimes even if she hosts the lobby.
NomadicaLV#97449 commented
It keeps happening to me for the past week and multiple time every game I play even if I’m in a test lobby by myself
Egolove22#99908 commented
back on Sunday, September 26, 2021, 5:29:33 PM I had sent in a ticket saying it had been about a year and I tried for the 4th or 14th time to submit a report report a bug or just tried to get help with being Exiled from every table I joined on Spelltable. Yes even the ones I was hosting even if noone else was at the table. I kept getting After about 30 seconds or so getting "Exiled" the automated responses I was getting never helped me out. It never game me any information on how to resolve the issue and my tickets that I had sent in were removed. As if something were resolved!!! It's now been about 2 years and I still can't stay logged into Spelltable for more than a minute. Noone can tell me why this happens. I feel lost.
Zyphen BZero#49496 commented
Having the same issue here, for a while now.