Add More than 4 Players
Hi, I'd really like spelltable its a very awesome software for playing commander. Could you perhaps allow more than 4 players to play at a table?

Buyakasha#84445 commented
First time joining my friends in Spelltable, but I cannot play with them, because I'm the fifth person. Please add this!
Skithiryx#35049 commented
I play with 3 friends normally, but since we all have lives, jobs and children, it increasingly difficult for all 4 of us to be available to play at the same time. We need to add a 5th and possibly 6th person, and because it wouldn't be fair to everyone on the rare occasions that we would all be available to play because Spelltable only allows up to 4, we haven't added anyone else, and the games aren't as good as they could be.
Thyfus#71688 commented
5 players + would allow interesting kitchen table play styles like star, mafia, king with two towers
Magnanimi#43203 commented
Definitely agree! We could have 8 people sometimes which makes 2 groups nicely, but when we've got 5 or 6 and want to do one big happy pod, it'd be nice to still be able to use Spelltable instead of moving to a Zoom or something.
mfe300#03689 commented
My playgroup consists of 5 players
SHiRKiT#51334 commented
I also would like to have this. At least 5 players, why can't we have more players? It's mostly there, don't need to be a perfect layout
elmoviedude#58320 commented
I second this. We have a group of 5 or 6 most times and would love to use spelltable but end up having to use discord :(
Yellow Medal#13769 commented
We play "kitchen table" magic with 5 to 6 people. This is our biggest Spelltable complaint.