Game Auto Kicks
Spelltable does not let me file a new complaint and my complaint has not been uploaded since 2021. Instead of this format of complaint center from not answering current ones you should simply fix your website. Spelltabe auto boots me from every game joined since the last update please just fix the site it has nothing to do with user errors. All cookies and cache has been cleared to fix the aspect ratio issue and now this issue happens with no answer for over a week to my ticket. what the **** is happening to spelltable its literally unplayable - making me want to sell my collection sadly instead of building new decks... PLEASE FIX SPELLTABLE!!!!!

Xaos#25585 commented
Bump. Critital to fix website. Tickets not answered no one has even tried to fix this for multiple weeks now and I have no one to play with... I was going to buy new cards, but whats the point if I cant play the game.