Tournament results history
The ability to check the history of tournaments, results and matches made! 🙏

lukas#74266 commented
I wanted to check results from a tournament to find out that there are no history anywhere in the compainon app nor wizards account.
Deterth#56026 commented
I really think its an important feature.
Players want to be able to look back on what they've achieved.They should receive achievements and have goals to aim for by participating in in-store events.
"Win a tournament", "Attend the Bloomburrow Prerelease", "Win a Bloomburrow draft" etc.If you fleshed out a player profile and achievements feature you would get so much more player and interaction and culture. It's time to invest and make players feel appreciated, something like this shouldn't be hard and would have a huge impact.
Ulnorn#08357 commented
Niko#64262 commented
No history? Wtf
DCI was much better then -
tobi89#34511 commented
I mean, you can search cards anywhere, but your tornament records are just in here, for a very brief moment right now.
Pyrocarm#90518 commented
Getting back into paper magic after the pandemic and the companion app works great, but we neeeeeed this feature. I would spend cumulative hours looking at past matches
Keegan#23317 commented
I miss how you could view your match history and score points whenever you won.
Nersius#46663 commented
The data should be maybe a few hundred bytes per tournament.
With how much money this game costs to play, you'd think they could spare not even a nickel per event.
Shamane Citadin#53151 commented
Result Could be stored on a private drive ? (Mobile, personnal Cloud) each person store his own data.
soggy mittens#26373 commented
How is this not a thing yet? Why do i not have a stats page where i can see my results in previous events? What are you even doing?
nooysters#63756 commented
At least expose tournament result data through an api, I would like to see some cool 3rd party solutions for tracking progress and adding notes etc. I can think of parallels to fitness apps where you can add friends to compare records to. Could even encourage people to attend more events to compete with friends.
Negation#19140 commented
Coming up on 2.5 years we've been requesting this. Invest in your products.
Gamashiro#57282 commented
Extremely critical
JTMS89#18795 commented
It is incredible that there is no way to access the personal tournament record or stats
DCI was much better -
Mayn#99686 commented
Would appreciate and want this so much. Event goes away if not in the app to see the final standings. Having a history of your tournaments is critical.
ShalDirnt#35090 commented
It is really important for me to have the ability to go back and see my past tournaments reporting, to improve on my analytics for the season
EldraziMTG#78646 commented
At least store it for a few days to allow time to share with friends. Its a way to drive hype in your game.
KingLewy13#17157 commented
This is a very desired feature. I never even get to see the final standings of an event.
LegacyWeapon89#14367 commented
This 110%
penguiturtle#29898 commented
The MTG Companion will not replace DCI until this is implemented