Can't add players to my local event.
I can open an event (I have now 3 private ones on my list).
When I Klick on the textfeld to add another player the keyboard flashes up and closes immediately.
So no chance to enter another player.
Reinstalling the app doesn't help. (So newest android version)
Sidenote, I'm judge for a store and events I create at Eventlink also show up in my list.
But there are some bugs if I want to control those events via Companion app.
As an Idea, you could add the magic story's texts as a Thing.
The story really get lost in the magic homepage and can't really easily consumed there. Why not part of the app??
Also, I think the artworks if the app should be more in line with the general artwork design of Magic.
Viele Grüße

Hey Tobias, what type of device are you using? That knowledge will help us narrow down what's going on with that keyboard issue.