Event deletion
I think a great feature to add would be the ability to delete an event you created from the list of available events.

LifeGogetaBox#55931 commented
Yes. Agreed. 2025 and still can’t remove a created event for some reason. How do we remove them?
xTaq#28142 commented
Was trying to figure out how uneven pod splittings works and now i've got an undeletable event since i ended it!
eSVi#26231 commented
Agreed, I don’t get why there isn’t a way to delete all of these old events from my Home Screen.
Psybite#78070 commented
For an event you have created yourself. Add a 2nd player manually, Joe Bloggs will do, then start the event. Now enter result of the match, 0-0 is fine. Now the event will allow you to complete it and it will be removed from your home screen.
Riccardo Bronzi#22826 commented
inverted#96386 commented
This exactly. Please add feature to delete events you are hosting.
swarmofbees#95213 commented
Yeah this seems silly an event cannot be deleted, especially if it is empty. Also, how do I even leave an event I joined that just says "waiting for host".
Fiction#44689 commented
I accidentally made a couple of events just to test and now I wish I didn't because i can't seem to erase them or edit them